Season finale!

Dec 20, 2011 21:35


The party gets ready to rock... Rowena (Dryad), Felora (Dwarf in blue plate, front row), Orien (in yellow robes with book), Twyla Hellborn (in leathers), Toridin (Dwarf with ale), Princess Erika (in red with the orbs), The Illusionary Pie (in pink with tankard), The Spirit (in back).

The Orcs, holding the river gate moments before the party arrives to kill them dead.

The party attempts to break an Orc barricade, having just blown up a tower (because flying rubble and collapsing buildings make for a safer work environment). You can just about see the dwarf party members beneath the Orcs who are pounding them into the dirt. Thankfully the Raven Queen smiles upon the party, and Orien is about to unleash LIGHTNING SNAKES!

The party holds off a wave of Orcs in order to keep a teleportation circle open (why yes, there are 5 dragons in that melee!). Pictured on the wall is Celcia (not in party group shot as player wasn't there when we took it) who is actually wall-running! The Illusionary Pie is keeping the Orcs and dragons nicely grouped up, with a magic wall chanelling and containing their reinforcements.

Oops - but Celcia forgot that Black Dragon on the rooftop!

Celcia in all her not-a-changeling-honest glory. Later in the Battle for Girga she would lead a charge of mercenaries to relieve the party who by that point were trying to find their internal organs and stop exploding (long story).

The party goes down, but they get up again...

... yes that is a Natural 20! A hapless orc gets lightning-snaked by a still-prone Orien.

The great thing about trees is that they can block line of sight...

The broad with the sword in the above image - also Celsia. Totally not a Changeling. Honest.

Slime Maidens. "Uuuuurgh." Best not to ask really.

A fair maiden with a tankard of ale standing on a pile of gold. Oh god, it's a trap! The Illusionary Pie strikes again.

Toridin likes his women like he likes his coffee. Etherial and deadly.

Erika is hot (literally, Fire Shield is the best spell evar!!).

Baby got back bark

"You don't like my snakes of friendship. Let me appologize with scorpions of sorry."

Twyla shakes her thang, and by thang I mean fiscally responsable plan to trade goods while avoiding taxes.

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