Scott Summers would SO approve.

Apr 12, 2009 13:57

So, I got this PM on TBE this morning.

Hello I'm new here Currently Aaron and I are working on getting North star involved with the site and the like.

Link to topic if you want to read it

But over all North star is supposed to go after Gambit and some how teach him that leaving the brotherhood has dire consequences. Since Rogue and gambit have a love interest *from what I understand* I think it would be a good idea if Northstar and Rogue got into a confrontation were she in the ends gets really messed *Beaten near death or just extremely emotionally scared or the like*

I think it would kinda fun Gambit and Rogue attempting to work out things and Gambit's revenge which will probably be the x-men beating the crap out of Northstar. Maybe Rogue gets Super speed abilities instead of flight there are so many possibility's from this.

Would you like to be involved?

Cheap answer: NO. I hate this kids who plays JP. He plays him awfully, calls Magneto Erik (WHO DOES THAT?!?!) and is just awful. He's also a douche and is disrespectful to me (an admin) and insists that JP is faster than Pietro which is SO wrong. So, after a mini war party on my cellphone during my Intro to Theater class with Alex, Geoffrey and JM, I sent him the following response:


Upon reading your idea, I found it very fascinating, and decided to look into it, however I realized something that would not work right off the bat. You say that Rogue could get perhaps his flight instead of his superspeed, and I assumed you naturally meant provided she was put into the position where she was both able to and willing to touch him. Now, Rogue's already slated to get flight, in addition to superstrength thanks to a lovely woman we're going to call Carol for now. But that is besides the point. You see, that is not exactly how Rogue's powers work. She is unable to choose what she gets. Part of the curse of her mutation is that she has no choice in any of it. She cannot control what memories she gets, how much life she sucks out of someone (after all, if she could, she would not be in this mess now, would she?) and most importantly, she cannot control what powers she gets. Rogue takes it all. Subsequently, any touching of Jean-Paul would result in her getting both flight and superspeed, but I can guarantee you, the situation would have to be very extreme in order for her to even consider touching someone. To this date she has touched 7 people, three of those within the movie, four of those were forced upon her, two of those were complete accidents and two were an act of self-defense. If you would like evidence of these, I will be happy to provide you with links.

I spoke with Geoffrey, the player of Gambit, in addition to Sabretooth and we discussed it together. You see, revenge has already been inadvertently taken upon Gambit via Rogue for his abandonment of the Brotherhood, which I will get into later. But, here is one of the things: The X-Men, in addition to not killing, do not take revenge. They are the mediators, they intervene, not instigate. Now this does not speak to certain members within the team and the various student factions (I am speaking, of course, of Bobby Drake and Jack Andrews whom I'm very sure are only waiting for the proper moment to get their revenge upon Victor Creed, and yes, you can bet your bottom dollar that if Remy LeBeau had any idea what had befallen his girlfriend (yes, they do have a love interest and have been happily dating for quite a few months now) he would be the first to launch an attack). But if they were the type to go after someone who had caused harm to one of their members, I speak with a certain authority considering I also play Cyclops, they would instead choose to go after Creed for his violent and disturbing rape of the lovely lady in question as his form of revenge against Gambit as well as Wolverine for various past sins. Again, I will happily provide links as I must say, it's quite a good read.

Side note-no one would really go out of their way to help Gambit out anyway. There are two people on the board who are totally fine with his new position in the X-Men, and those would be none other than the team leader and his girlfriend.

While speaking with Geoffrey (who had no idea about any of this), he also mentioned that Sabretooth, who is quite the force to be reckoned with, would not take lightly to anyone other than him playing with and indeed potentially harming or destroying his favorite toy. Even with his superspeed, Jean-Paul would be torn to ribbons for even thinking of harming a hair on Rogue's head.

Also, Magneto should know better than to mess with Gambit in such a way. Gambit has memorized the entire layout of the Brotherhood, the codes to get in, various exit points, as well as the location of the headquarters. It’s part of his role as a thief. Any funny business and it is not below him to drop a line to a government informant and see the entire forest go up in flames. Yes, he is that serious about his relationship with Rogue. After all, this is the man who risked life and limb to hold her all night long during their trip to Boston. Again, I will be happy to provide links.

Furthermore, if you are looking for a confrontation of the verbal kind, I will be all too happy to send Rogue into the icbox, but I must inform you, when it comes to the verbal, this girl is fierce. She can bitch with the best of them, and she knows how to hit people where it hurts. Now, I'm as much of a sadomasochist as anyone else on this board: I do love a good verbal bashing.

Thank you very much for your ideas and I look forward to hearing more of them in the future. Please contact me if you have any further questions. All the best.
Karp karp,

I am the Blair Waldorf of the RP world. Let's see what happens!

Also, drama on DLV is heating up. I love my Callie, she's hilarious. Totally Jenny.

tbe, jm morden, scott summers does not approve, update, joey perez, rping, deliverance, alex valetin, geoffrey davenport

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