✢ The Player
Player Name: KC
Age: 30
LJ: asgardhero
AIM: merryiscontrary
E-mail: kccaelumi@gmail.com
Other Characters: n/a
✢ The Character
Character Name: Thor Odinson
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Canon Point: Post-Avengers
Age: Unknown, around 1000 years.
Appearance: Six-foot-six, blonde, blue-eyed and generally built like a brick-house, Thor is physically intimidating... unless he's smiling and you mistake him for a surfer with a body-building gig on the side. He wears his hair long, shoulder-length, and a close-cropped beard. When Thor is not in the heavy red and blue fabrics or armor of Asgard, he has a propensity for cotton and flannel.
See picture. Abilities / Powers:
As an Asgardian, Thor's natural physiology grants him strength and speed that far surpass that of the most physicality fit human. He also has almost unparalleled stamina and invulnerability, above even that of his Asgardian peers; Thor can go weeks without sleep or food if necessary and is virtually immune from harm. He is the strongest god in Asgard and one of the most trained fighters in the universe--there are few weapons that he does not know due to years of training and an innate talent for physicality, and Thor's experience with battle has also given him a cleverness with tactics that he may generally lack in other, more mundane areas.
Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, acts as a conduit for many of the god's powers. It directly allows his flight--without Mjolnir, Thor cannot leave the ground. Weather manipulation, as well, is something that is not part of Thor himself (though in later comic arcs this does become the case when Thor's life force is bonded to Mjolnir's) but part of the power that his hammer gives him. With it he can create weather systems of varying sizes and severity, electrical storms, tornadoes, and tidal waves. Mjolnir can also be used to deflect offensive energy strikes. Attuned to Thor's will, the hammer will come to Thor regardless of obstacle when he calls. As a force by itself, Mjolnir was blessed by Odin to be wielded only by someone worthy of its power, regardless of strength. Thor can lose the ability to use the hammer and likewise, there are others that may be found worthy.
Inventory: His armor and his hammer, Mjolnir.
Personality: Being born a son of Odin, the All-Father of the gods, and Gaea, an elder goddess, Thor knew great power at a young age. He was destined to be the strongest of the Asgardians and grew up with that knowledge. It never made him complacent but it did make him confident. He has always been a man assured of his place in the world; defeat is unthinkable, victory undeniable.
As this was proven again and again, however, his confidence turned into something else. Still young by Asgard standards, entering the prime of his long life, Thor spent years growing into arrogance. He had earned it. He was the strongest and he was well loved because even Thor's arrogance has a naivety about it, a quality that makes people want to celebrate with him. It is hard not to love Thor, to cheer for him--he is only ever just what he is. He does not lie, or deceive. Why should he have need? He enjoys who he is and he stands by his decisions because, in the end, he believes they are the right ones. He surety is infectious and convincing, much like his smile.
Of course the arrogance had to be rooted out of him. Thor was cast out of Asgard, out of his nearly invulnerable body, in order to learn humility. On Earth he came to understand that nobility does not have to do with rank, or strength, but a goodness that anyone can possess. He takes Earth under his protection because he learns to love humans; they are fragile and flawed but beautiful in their own ways and he can see the good in them--something that he tends to find in everyone when his ego isn't getting in the way. Even his brother, Loki, who has tricked and fought against him, only receives forgiveness from Thor. It is a combination of heart and willful hope that lets Thor believe the good when only bad can be seen, stubbornness, yes, and also a little willing blindness.
This is not to say that Thor does not recognize evil when he sees it, only that he wants to search for the redeemable. He is optimistic and while it may sometimes feel stubborn, Thor certainly has his breaking points. The opposite side of his happiness is a propensity to anger. As pure as his joy, his anger is generally righteous and no small thing, driven by his most basic emotions. His fuse is longer now than it used to be as he begins to learn to control himself, but Thor is ultimately a creature ruled by his heart. If he is upset he will show it--sometimes with his fists, sometimes with lightning.
Occasionally Thor will sink into sour moods. He is a man of action and when he is limited to reaction--or worse yet, stillness--he will brood. Impotence does not wear well on Thor and he responds in this very child-like manner until the opportunity to act is found or something is presented as an adequate enough distraction. In general this tends to give Thor a certain rashness, the knack of jumping in headfirst without much consideration of anything; he is lucky for his strength but sometimes actions have other sorts of consequences. Experience, while helping to make Thor more aware of this impulse, does little to curb it. Thor believes so resolutely in his reasons that regret is not something that he has a true understanding of. He stands by the consequences of his actions.
In the end, Thor is a simple man. This is his most basic truth and the thing that colors all of his decisions and interactions. He wants to be happy, to be loved, and to protect the people and things that he loves in return. These are his greatest ambitions; they are what make him worthy to be a prince of Asgard and to carry the weapon Mjolnir. With Thor, there is no guile.
What you see is always what you get.
History: Thor's history through his self-titled movie can be found
here and
this is a concise link to events of The Avengers.
First Person Sample:
Thor meets a turtle.Third Person Sample:
Rematch. Other: Thor is a character of great physical exaggeration and while his strength and invulnerability are very intricate to his sense of self, I would like to take into consideration that this is a multi-verse and Lovecraftian game and make him open to possibilities if they happen to arise. To that end: I am not a player to mismanage a wildly-overpowered character, nor to take his powers away just for a bit of emo fun. I like to consider myself pretty level-headed. :)