queenc9704That's my bestest best friend in the whole wide world, folks. Her first (and so far only) post was about which fictional characters she thought were the hottest, and it inspired me to make my own. But wait, I thought, what about my anime and manga men? Surely they deserve their own list! Thus, I shall have two separate lists, one for fictional characters from books and movies, the other for my favorite bishies and manly pxl men (as
aimeeellen would call them).
Being perpetually and fatally lazy, I choose the easiest task first: the book and movie characters. The other list will take me days--nay, months!--to complete. Such is the life of a fangirl.
Top Ten ( in no particular order because I'm pathetic when it comes to picking things)
Logan Echolls, from Veronica Mars. Not the actor, because I don't go for scientology and in any case he's married, but Logan Echolls himself. His snarky, angsty self ignites such passion within me that I can barely contain myself whenever he appears on the screen. How I wish I were Veronica during their bathroom makeout scene...*fans self*
My mom thinks he's a creep--she's still stuck on the whole bum fight streak he went on. I say live and let live; Logan is the creep all the girls want to date. (Or at least sleep with.)
Peter Pan. Always and forever. I'd stay a kid for him anyday. Whether it's the movies or the books, I love Peter. Except that bad movie with Jeremy Sumpter. All the other Peters (even Robin Williams' Peter Pan in Hook) I am utterly in love with him.
Harry Potter. Oh please. Like I'm the only one. And for the record, I totally had a massive crush on HP even before the delectable Daniel Radcliffe started playing him in the movies.
Briar Moss, from Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic series. Maybe it's because he's the only main guy character in that series, but his books are probably my favorites. Probably. I still think Sandry's powers are the coolest.
Edward Cullen. The only reason I read the books is to bask in his glow of hotness.
Artemis Fowl. Had (and still have) the cutest crush on this evil genius. I know, I know. He's way too young for me. I just can't help falling in love with him though.
Argh. This is harder than I thought. Probably because I read more manga than books, watch more anime than movies, etc.
It has also become needlessly time consuming and I have somewhere to be eventually. So I give up for now.
Ta ta, all you devoted readers.