Title: Disappearance of Denmark
Author: ASEies (AmeUmi36@Deviantart)
Rating: T (there are slightly mature scenes in later chapters)
Characters: (main) Norway, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, (secondary) OC!Greenland, England, Prussia
Couples: Denmark/Norway, Sweden/Finland, Hinted Greenland/Iceland, Hinted England/China
Warnings: Angst, OCs,
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I feel like in the beginning that you had too much prose going on and I was getting a bit impatient. While the prose was interesting and fact-filled, some of the facts felt a bit...forced? And not like something that would come out naturally. While it's good, and in fact fascinating to have facts, I would have maybe portrayed them differently--maybe as short flashbacks? I would have loved to know what exactly Denmark said to Iceland about bikelanes and what kind of attitude Iceland was giving back. xD ( ... )
But that's just me.
I agree with you though about that Denmark doesn't always top or Norway always tops, but when Denmark's drunk in my head, he does tend to be a bit more forceful. I think aseies did a good job with Norge topping the kiss, but of course with characters like Denmark and Norway (and most of Hetalia), a lot is put up to the writer of the fanfic.
I could definitely see what you supposed happened, happening though. Actually, now that you bring it up, I kind of prefer it.
You bring up really good points, and points that I probably took into consideration when I was writing the story, but might have forgotten when I was writing the comment. /sorry for the contraditions
in otherwords, i'm really enjoying your fic~
It's not the same, but can I recommend this to you? Nor tops big time.
... Actually, I'll just rewrite this scene as a fic sometime. Problem solved. /hopes I have time
I'm glad you're enjoying this fic though~
I can normally see all points in an argument, so I have a hard time standing up for my own views because others' views make sense to me. But that doesn't mean I should conform to their views to make them happy.
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