Fluff and coffee and I love you

Dec 28, 2011 00:14

Title: Fluff and coffee and I love you
Rating: G
Pairing: Charles/Erik, background Irene/Raven; past Charles/Remy
Summary:Erik is a smitten barista and Charles is just an awkward little duck.
Warning: insurmountable amounts of fluff, my piss poor attempt at German grammar I haven't learned yet, and mild language.
Author's Notes: If someone has a better ( Read more... )

irene/raven, writing, uhhh.., x men first class, fluff, plot was never an option, charles/remy, prompt, story, charles/erik, au

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Comments 48

avictoriangirl December 28 2011, 13:55:53 UTC
Awwwww. ♥


ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 16:30:43 UTC
Thank you. <3


jack_regan December 28 2011, 16:36:14 UTC
LOL sneaky Charles!



ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 17:46:09 UTC
:D It wouldn't be Charles if it were any other way.

Glad you enjoyed!


caitri December 28 2011, 17:11:52 UTC
*fistpump* my fav au trope meets my fav pairing, THANK YOU!


ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 17:46:29 UTC
You're welcome darling.


bloodred0_4 December 28 2011, 17:35:17 UTC
This is lovely and sweet! ♥

I hope you don't mind what follows, since you asked for German corrections.
I double-checked with the prompt to make sure you wanted Erik to say, "I could make you happy." A more fluent translation is, "Ich könnte dich glücklich machen."
Also, when Charles speaks to Erik in German, it should be "meinen Freund."

Rather nitpicky, but I hope you don't mind! Thank you again for all of the delightful fluff. :D


ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 17:49:54 UTC
:D Glad you enjoyed!

And thank yo so much for the nitpicky-ness!

I thought that Erik would say, "Ich könnte dich glücklich machen." to sound more native but then I was like, "ARRRRRHHHHBBBBBLLLLAAHHHHH." And looked up rules and over thought it.

And the "meinen" I literally spent fifteen minutes trying to figure out if wissen was akk. or nom..

So again, thanks for the german!


since you asked us to nitpick /o\ stealenoughtime December 31 2011, 02:02:33 UTC
Actually, it has to be "mein Freund". I can't really explain why since I am a native speaker but my explanation would be that since he adresses him directly, it has to stay Nominativ. It's not in any direct relation to the verb that would require a declination.

(... additionally, it's "cheri" with one r.)

That said, I liked it! It's a very sweet little story :)


Re: since you asked us to nitpick /o\ ascoolsuchasi December 31 2011, 02:05:44 UTC
:D Thank you for both the german and french corrections!

And glad you enjoyed the story.


emilys_knickers December 28 2011, 20:04:38 UTC
This made my day :D Lovely lovely story! Your Erik/Charles always reminds me of Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy for some reason XD But in the best ways! :D


ascoolsuchasi December 28 2011, 20:10:45 UTC
:D Glad you enjoyed.

Hmmm....maybe it's because My Charles/Erik swings back and forth between all-the-angst-the-world-is-ending to everything-is-rainbows-and-coffee-and-too-much-crack/fluff-what-is-this-even?


emilys_knickers December 28 2011, 23:47:04 UTC
lol One line in particular, then, from that song, because AU's always remind me a little of the lives they could've left, and since I was really into Sailor Moon as a kid, AU's totally constitute as pastlives!trope in my brain XD

"And one day we'll get nostalgic for disaster/I could write this better than you ever felt it."

IDEK XD But I love it all the same :D


ascoolsuchasi December 29 2011, 00:45:37 UTC
Past lives or future lives for the win, bro!

:D Yay! Also, I forgot to tell you, but I'm totally psyched that this made your day.


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