ear stopped up, then not again... no fun.
No LJ tonight, no one posting, everyone's at the
Lord of the Rings movie.
Dow +45.46 Nasdaq +32.53, crude @ 56.34 down 1.54 .
My Portfolio +210.23% Today: -2.33% .
NWD 1.89 +0.03 +1.61% +122.35%
EENC 20.58 -0.70 -3.29% +245.01% ouch
Exercise is good. War is bad. Today according to the calendar.* files &
Articles of Confederation submitted to the states for ratification, 1777
Soichiro Honda born, 1906
Joseph Grew, the United States ambassador to Japan, cables the State Department that Japan has plans to launch an attack against Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (his cable is ignored), 1941
Acting on optimistic reports he was given on November 13, US President Lyndon B. Johnson tells his nation that, while much remained to be done, "We are inflicting greater losses than we're taking...We are making progress.", 1967
Douglas Engelbart receives the patent for the first computer mouse, 1970