Feb 23, 2009 14:41
Hey, I was wondering if you guys take requests. If so, here is my request (with a little backstory)
So my college has one of those "anonymous confessional" websites, which has been overrun by a bunch of trolls lately, doing everything from slandering people's names to getting people all worked up by presenting some extreme point of view which then sparks a bunch of mud-slinging. You know, the usual kind of stuff you would expect to see on that kind of website. But my boyfriend has decided that he's going to deliver justice to this website by "sage"-ing threads he thinks are unnecessary (i.e. the ones I just described)
I figure a lot of you probably know what it means to sage a thread, but just in case, it basically means posting "sage" in the comment box until the "sage" posts outnumbers the relevant posts and it becomes hard to sift through the "sage" posts. So eventually the thread dies because people just give up on posting.
What my boyfriend has done in the past is just copy and paste "sage" as many times as possible until he creates a wall of sage.
So my request to you is, can someone be so kind as to make an Ascii "SAGE" that my boyfriend can just copy and paste into the comment box? The character limit is fairly high, but there is a width limit on the post that I'm not entirely sure of. But on the screen, it appears to be about 4-5 inches long.
Thank you!