Oct 28, 2008 09:58
God I feel sick as hell. My nose is running so bad that it's starting to drip all over my jacket. It's cold outside too. I always said that I wanted it to be cold because I miss it. It's actually kind of refreshing to try to bundle up and keep myself warm. The air seemed to be a lot more crisp, and it's nice. Yesterday I could have slept all day easily, I had to stay home because I felt so horrible. Right now, i'm trying to get my Computer Engineering assignment done for today. I don't think it'll take me very long because I looked over it and it didn't seem to be too bad.
I'm wondering if i'm overreacting to something that happend yesterday. I went to lay down yesterday, woke up a bit later on and I checked my character's inventory and stuff to make sure I wasn't running low on food. Then I look over at the screen and my boyfriend's nickname was changed to "Nonsence". Before it was "<3Her's<3". He kept it that way the day we became boyfriend and girlfriend, and it meant a lot to me. When I would get on Wonderland everyday I would look at the friend's list first thing just so I can see it, because it just meant that he still cared about me and wanted everyone else to know that too. I asked him why he changed it and he said he didn't know, and then he's like "I'm still yours". I don't know why I still feel upset about it, I guess it's because that little thing that I used to do everyday I can't do anymore and now I have to try to interpret if he still is happy with me or not when I come online. He asked me if I wanted him to change it back, I said "I don't know". I would feel like if he changed it back, then it wouldn't mean the same as what it once did. I want him to put it up there because he WANTS too, not because I told him to do it. So now I get to see Nonsence or some other nickname everyday I come on..I'm probably just being dumb about it, I mean, I like little things like that but oh well..maybe it sees it differently than what I do, I don't know.
Well I need to get this homework assignment done before I get to Systems Software, plus I need to swing by the Computer Lab so I can get this hardcopy of my programming assignment stapled together. Toodles!
EDIT: I'm back and the good news is..I think I A'ced my Statistics 2 exam! So I kept my promise to DJ and I finished my homework assignment with plenty of time to spare in Systems Software. Thank god, i'm going to crash when I get home. This day has been more taxing than what I realized.