Feb 27, 2012 22:12
Had a really bad day today, totally over reacted to things, namely the news that if my till is down at work the money will now come out of my wages. Since i am not a thief and the tills have not been down in weeks this should not bother me so much, but I completely stressed myself out about it. I spent most of the day fighting tears and losing the battle. The skin on my hands went very dry as it is prone to doing when I feel stressed and I believe my headache was also stress related. This would not be so bad if anything remotely stressful had happened, but it didn't. My amazing ability to stress out over nothing made me feel even more stressed and depressed.
My boss was for once amazingly good about it all, usually I would be in trouble, for a) crying on the shop floor and b) speaking negatively about new policies. Instead I was told it was ok to have a bad day and I could talk to her about my concerns. This should have been comforting but actually made me sadder because I have more bad days than good ones and i dont want to be that way. I don't want to be unprofessional and randomly bust into tears over nothing, and make other people miserable as well, and be in too much of a state to offer good customer service.
Roll on summer please, I always feel brighter and more hopeful when the sun is shining.
life sucks sometimes did you notice,
work: i hate it