M5 Autumn Special comments

Oct 20, 2011 13:36

マネキンファイブ 秋の特別編
(*´∀`*)/ BB~~~

Everyone can refer to that poll on arashi_on for LOLz. Most thought #1 is Sho's. #2 and #3 as Aiba's. #4 and #5 as MatsuJun's. I myself was NASOJ

Closest to a group pic I can find xD THAT'S RIGHT. Jun Nino Sho Ohno Aiba. I only got Yama coordinations right LOL xD Ohno got such expensive pieces. Personally I like it without the coat.
And the winner is....

1st place is Sho-chan!!!
And he used his own fashion sense this time (he and his cardigans)! In his favorite YOKOHAMA!!!
Plus it got my vote ♥ *wants this pic as my phone bg now* (*´д`*)♥ LOOK AT THAT PRETTY SMILE. He just glows with so much happiness that it makes me swell up in joy with him.

I'm so proud of the bb. (*´д`*)♥ The judges also gave positive feedbacks. And he owned 1st place in countries China and England! But I laughed at the comment "If a person with sloping shoulders wear it, I'll laugh." xDDDDDD GO NADEGATA JAPAN.

Btw, TV Pia wasn't careful and kinda leaked it before.

So... I got spoiled even before, but DAT'S OKAY.

Magnet combi (Yamataro) got 1st and 2nd!
GAH This moment was SO CUTE how they were bouncing up and down in such a playful manner ♥ Are they really 28 and 29!? xD Nino said he was very tempted to coordinate based off of a poster (aka "cheat" again) but he didn't.

And then Aiba got 3rd, Ohno got 4th xD
Aiba's strategy was try not to be obvious on "Aiba fashion" but still have a good coordination. I hope Aiba is able to get out of the safe rank in the future, but he got some good feedbacks (like he looks like a teddy bear, and Izumi-chan said only Aiba can pull it off).

3 out of the 4 judges thought Ohno would get last xD;;; Ohno was glad he wasn't, cuz he spent 38万3800円 LOL He kept gave that look "How dare you say that. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT COSTS?"

Poor J got the truck again xD; His strategy is try to be more "gira gira" (dazzle) after all. But I think the truck is less of a punishment than the comments that he got back... They reported he got last place in all countries (except for Australia). Otherwise the Halloween set IS SO CUTE.

With that said, as much as I know many fans anticipate yet another M5 Special in the future, I don't know... cuz variety shows do not like to be predictable, so they might change to another format in the future. Or at the very least, make it a new theme instead of "date"? Well, we will see.

arashi, fangirl

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