Oct 13, 2006 16:35
i promised Ma i'd put this story on LJ for everyone else to laugh at.
recently Ma's tooth became infected again, and she's been suffering pretty badly from it. the other day she went to the dentist and found out that the specialist she went to before didn't fill it in properly, and that was the cause. disheartened and in pain, she picked up her prescription and decided to use the Jack-in-the-Box drive through to get a milkshake for dinner, since chewing was out of the question. when she pulled up to the window to pay, she handed over here money to an obvious new employee. Ma said the kid looked like he was twelve. cheerfully he asked Ma how she was. she replied with something along the lines of 'not so good.' he took her money, the turned around and yelled at another employee 'how much is the senior discount?' Ma's heart sank. she had just colored her hair and everything, and she knew she didn't look too good because of how much pain she was in, but damn! the other employee said seniors don't get a discount on just a milkshake. the boy hadned Ma her milkshake, smiled, and gave her a 'have a nice day!'
'yeah... right.' and she drove off. keep in mind Ma is only going to be turning 52 this November.
i could not stop laughing.