Nov 10, 2008 13:33
Ok, quicker than I'd expected, here's the next review..
This episode of Atlantis, another guest appearance. Daniel Jackson shows up in this two-part episode. Only the team leaders haven't shown up at Atlantis yet (technically, neither has Vala, but she wasn't even technically a member of the team really either) heh, wonder how long that'll last. Anyway, Jackson shows up and starts off by finding a new part of the city for him and McMay to play around in.
I'll take a little detour here and mention that my saying the McCay/Keller/Ronin triangle hasn't been played out in the last entry wasn't entirely correct. Ronin did go on the ship with Keller, and they even teased McCay a bit before they left.. but given that nothing happened after that I don't think and the fact that I'd forgotten about it means it was insignificant and nothing really romantic happens to push the plotline along, so it really doesn't matter.
Anyway, new technology, they just start to try and figure out what there is, when a new player enters the game. We don't know if they're good or bad, even by the end of the episodes we still don't know much about them. They kidnap McMay and Jackson, steal a device from the secret lab, and get out.. definately more powerful than anyone we've encountered so far.
The device they steal is the key to another piece they have, it now gets turned on and the Wraith who were friendly to the team think they were betrayed and takes over the Daedalus, and the Atlantis gate explodes.. killing Sheppard.. again. That was the first episode of the two-part.
Mysteriously, the second part of the episode either wasn't recorded, or got deleted somehow, cause it's not on the machine anymore, but from what I can remember, the second half of the story wasn't that great either.
They managed to collapse the shield around the exploding gate, get everyone but Sheppard and one of the other main scientists (who's name I can't remember right now) to saftey and then it itinuated the explosion enough to keep from killing them.. anyone who didn't see that coming, raise your hand so we know who to shoot -_-.*pulls out Wraith stunner*
Long story short (I might find it on YouTube and watch the second half when I return, editing here later), Ronin manages to lead the charge to retake the Daedalus, McMay and Jackson manage to turn the device off and escape and then everything goes back to functioning as normal.. as normal as life is in the Pegasus galaxy.
The new players haven't shown up again yet, though there were hints that they would be, the powerplay between the Wraith factions is tense again, and Atlantis gets back on it's feet. Given that they still have the gate in future episodes, it seems that wasn't even damaged beyond the Atlantis team returning it to functioning, even though it seemed to explode.
Anyway, more episodes to come, the series does come back to at least some of it's glory as the season goes on.. more episodes to review, I'll get to them tomorrow most likely.
Until then, I be off.
~Bastion & Jamie