Title:ジタバタ純情 ("Struggling Pure Heart.") - Chapter 19: The Bachelor!
Pairings: A few.
Fandom: Hey!Say! JUMP, Johnny's Junior
Genre: Angst, fluff
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: Boys in love with each other?
Summary: Yabu and Hikaru try hard. Too hard at times. And you have a say in this story, reader-chan.
Well, we have a deal for you! A boy you can't refuse, JUMP's one and only Takaki Yuya! )
Since the lasts chapters, I thought longer about Yabu with Kamei, and now I loooove! I'm going to reread and appreciate even more!
I wanted Yuya back with Hasshi... But a takaHiro or a Kitahiro would be unusual and very interessant!
*happy to see the competition between Tegoshi and Yamada*
And it is a great idea to do this poll!! =]
I wish you to have fun writing the end :)
So, you voted for Kitayama? (Esther, on dit 'interesting' en Anglais, 'interessant' c'est en Français, en passant.)
Of course~ Thanks for reading~ And it's actually not the end yet, just that I ran out of idea and I wanted people to have a say in the story.
I voted for Kitayama and Tegoshi lol
(-____-* I use interesting when I think in english, but it seems like my hand keep on writing in french anyway... sorry, I'll be more careful! ^^)
Yaaaaaaaaaaayyy!! I'm happy it's not the end!! This fic is so great!! =)
I hope the poll will help you ^^
Finally, if there were two of the guys you proposed, fighting for Yuya (since yamada and tegoshi are almost leading the poll) it would be funny XD
No, no. Not the end. Definitely not.
Well, Tegoshi and Shoon are leading now. Yamada and Kitayama are right behind them... and fighting? Naaaah~
I wonder how Yabu is surviving in hayashi now… (:P)
I guess you’ll love to write a yuya² XD in hayashi, tegoshi already hates so much takaki…
Shoon x Takaki would be so unusual! Oo
But the result may be really cute ^^
Ganbatte kudasai!! =]
for more Yabu/Kamei please visit: kage_no_kokudo
*end of shameless plug*
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