There is a new version of
Allah_Sulu's Massive Tool available, which can be downloaded either in
Windows installer format (setup.exe etc.; good for first-time installers but may not work with Windows 9x/Me) or as a simple
ZIP archive of files which can be extracted into your existing Massive Tool directory over the current files (in either event, make sure that you are not running the Massive Tool while you're trying to install/extract the update!) New changes include:
- I've removed a couple of minor superfluous controls on the HTML → "Anchor / Links…" screen and made it smarter. First of all, there's no longer a pull-down menu for selecting whether you're creating a normal hyperlink, an email link, or an anchor - the Massive Tool will figure that out for you.¹ Second, if you paste an URL (or email address) into the "URL/EMail" text box but leave the "Text" box empty, the Massive Tool will attempt to provide default text for certain recognized domains.² (Double-clicking on the empter "Text" box will fill it with the default text if any.)
- The Marquee function on the HTML → "Font / Format…" screen now has a Height or Width option, as applicable (height for vertical marquees, width for horizontal marquees), which is measured in pixels or percentage of the available area. See this post for more information.
- You can now paste an URL with an ".swf" extension into the "Image URL:" box on the HTML → "Images…" screen to have the Massive Tool generate the code described here. The only additional options which apply are the "Border", "Height", and "Width" settings. (The "Images" screen can now be increased in size, for previewing larger image/flash files.) Note that LJ is more permissive of these embeds in posts than in comments. Note also that you can paste YouTube URLs or embed codes into the "Image URL:" box and you'll get the simplified code discussed here, as well as the additional options discussed here.
- I found and fixed a minor bug on the LJ → "Post to LiveJournal…" screen. The "Disable Auto-Formatting" checkbox now works correctly.
- The LJ → "LJ User / Links…" screen now supports the title option in tags, using the "text" field. Selecting a user name in your document and right-clicking on the "LJ User / Links" toolbar button will also invoke the title option if the name has been entered in mixed case.
- The "Embed Media…" option has been removed from the LJ menu (and the corresponding button has also been removed from the toolbar) since you can now simply paste the embed code from YouTube et al. directly into the Massive Tool. As I explained here, it's no longer necessary to have a special option to surround the embed code with tags. (See above for using the "Images…" option for SWF files.)
- On the Window menu
(and on the Toolbar) there is a "No Scripts" option which disables any coding in the document. Useful if you're editing a document with scripts (and don't want them executing every time you hit a key and the Preview window is refreshed) or plugging a bunch of code from another site (via "Open URL" or just copy/pasting from "View Source") into the Tool to inspect it. ("No Scripts" also disables any tags in the editor.) You can set this value for a particular file on the File → "Properties…" screen, or set this value as the default for the Massive Tool on the Edit → "Preferences…" screen.- I have continued to expand the features available in Table Information Template files (see the fourth and fifth bullet items in the last update). Along with the increase functionality of the TIT files, the "File" menu on the "Tables…" window will now remember the previous TIT files you've executed, for convenience when you use the same ones frequently. (Like the Previous Files and Previous Macros options, you can select how many Previous Tables files are saved on that menu on the Edit → "Preferences…" → "Program" tab.
- As always, there are new icons (including some of these) and backgrounds, and modifications to the internal language used for coding macros. I've also included a new macro file, Embed MP3.rim, which can be used to embed an MP3 (via a Shockwave player) in your LiveJournal posts ( but not comments!) An example of the the MP3 SWF embedder is below. (The reason why this is done in a macro rather than in the Massive Tool is that you cannot embed MP3 files directly into your posts or pages - you need to embed an MP3 player in your posts or pages, and the one I'm using here is not the only one, not necessarily the best one, not necessarily the one other people want to use, and may not even be the one I'm using a week from now if I find a better one.)
¹If the "URL/EMail" text box contains an at sign (@) and at least one period, but no slashes (either / or /) then the link is assumed to be an email link; if there is at least one period and/or at least one slash (either / or /) then the link is assumed to be a hyperlink; otherwise, it's an anchor. 99.999% of the time, it'll be a hyperlink (which was previously the default).
²For sites like Wikipedia and TVTropes, the default text for the link is the section name (the part of the URL after the last slash, converted into plaintext). For Google URLs, it'll be the name of the Google site ("Google" for standard search engine URLs, "Google Maps" for anything in the domain, etc.) Only a small number of domains are recognized so far, but I'll probably add more as I think of them. The ones listed herein are some of the ones I use often, so this will save me a step on many occasions. Oh, and the default text for an email address is the part to the left of the at sign (@).
EDIT: The MP3 player does not appear to work when there is a space in the URL/filename.