[Update] Allah Sulu's Massive Tool version 3.5.4

Jul 20, 2009 16:16

There is a new version of
Allah_Sulu's Massive Tool available, which can be downloaded either in
Windows installer
format (setup.exe etc.; good for first-time installers but may not work with Windows 9x/Me) or as a simple
ZIP archive
of files which can be extracted into your existing Massive Tool directory over the current files (in either event, make sure that you are not running the Massive Tool while you're trying to install/extract the update!) New changes include:
  • The button on the right side of the "Tags" line on the "Post to LiveJournal…" screen (from the LJ menu) will no longer reset the tags you've already chosen if you go back in to make changes to the list of tags you've already chosen. You can now re-open the "Select LJ Tags" window to make additions/subtractions to the list you've already selected. (Of course, changing the journal/community selection will still clear the "Tags" input.)
  • I have finally implemented "Custom…" (friends group filters) as an option for post security on the "Post to LiveJournal…" screen. If you have a username selected and password entered, but no community selected, then when you select "Custom…" on the "Show To" pulldown menu, it will enable the "Groups" input (which works similarly to the "Tags" function - click on the button to select which filters you do and do not wish to apply). Of course, this requires you to have already provided the Massive Tool with a list of your journal's friend group filters (see option below). Note also that you cannot post to communities in "Custom…" or "Private" mode; if you have either of those options selected (or if you select "Custom…" without selecting any filters) the Massive Tool will default to "Friends/Members Only".
  • The "Update Icons/Tags" button on the "Post to LiveJournal…" screen now reads "Update Icons/Tags/Groups", as it now has the capability to go into your LJ account and retrieve the current list of friends groups (for "Custom…" security, see item above) as well as the current list of avatars and tags. You must have a journal selected and a password entered in order to use this function (LJ will not divulge your list of filters without your password). Previously, for avatars and tags, a password was not required (although, without a password, you did not necessarily get the full list of tags; only the tags that were used for public entries).
  • I also fixed a couple of minor bugs which I'd never encountered before, in little-used parts of the Tool - one of them in the code for loading and saving Table templates. I've also added a new table template to the Tool files. Open the "Tables…" screen on the HTML menu, then select "Open…" from the File menu. If you open Successories.TIT, you'll get a template for posting captioned pictures in the "motivational poster" format, as seen in communities like
    successoriesfun. (This will also demonstrate a new "Mad-Libs"-esque feature of Table Information Template files, prompting the user to enter certain values upon opening. This is a whole new feature of the TIT files, which has much potential.) This image was made using the Successories.TIT template, sinply by pasting in the picture URL (found on Google) and text (provided by
    SethCohen). It's possible to tweak the lettering (font, size, color) and/or the border around the picture just by modifying the HTML, but that image was made by leaving all of the defaults intact. Total time required to create - under a minute.
  • It's also possible to open/execute Table Information Templates from File → "Open File…" on the Main Menu. Select "All Files" in the "Files of Type" pulldown menu.
  • I also made some modifications and expansions to the Wikipedia and BBCode compatibility features, since I've edited a few TVtropes entries in the Tool recently.
  • There's a new option available on the "Document" tab of the "Preferences…" screen (accessed from the Edit menu). Previously, the Massive Tool displayed all numeric colors (that is, all colors which are not referred to by name, such as "red" or "lightyellow") in hexadecimal; that is to say, this color      was referred to as "#00AAFF". That's the more classic, popular way of doing it (at least in my opinion); but many sites are now going with a decimal format, in which the aforementioned color would be referred to as "rgb(0,170,255)". The two formats are completely interchangeable, and (for whatever reason), sometime this year LiveJournal started converting all hexadecimal codes into the decimal format. So even if you put "#00AAFF" in the code for your post, LJ will render it as "rgb(0,170,255)" when anybody reads your post. I have no idea why they feel it necessary to do this conversion, but they do. Anyway, by using the "Numeric Color Format" setting on the "Document" tab, you can select which format the Massive Tool renders colors into (for those of you who are more comfortable with decimal than hexadecimal, for instance, and find it easier to read or tweak the decimal values). Changing this setting will only change the format of subsequent color operations; it will not change the format of color codes already in your document.
  • As per usual, there are several new icons and backgrounds. Also, if you load Commands.RIM (as described in the second to last bullet-point here), you'll find a couple of new FORTH aliases; including LJ-Latest (which will give you the 250 or so most recently posted pictures to LiveJournal) and YouTubeParams (which I run after pasting in the YouTube embedding code, to add a couple of additional parameters).
  • I've also expanded the handling of integers in the built-in FORTH language from 32-bit (the "LongInt" type) to 64-bit (the "Int64" type) for the conversion and processing of larger numbers, as discussed here. (I increased the precision of real number handling from "double" to "extended" as well.)

urls, html/css, images, tables, colors, forth language, new update!, livejournal, wikipedia, videos

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