Do I knit too much?

Nov 10, 2012 18:20

I've been pretty busy with knitting and sewing the past few months. Mostly I post about that at my Wordpress blog, because a) I don't want to spam my LJ and b) I wanted a blog I'd be comfortable crossposting to FB, since a lot of people I know in RL have asked about my crafting exploits. (LJ is the safe haven only few of my friends and none of my acquaintances know about, and I'd like it to stay that way.) Those of you I'm friends with on FB might have already seen some of these pictures, but here are all the things I've finished lately:

The cropped cardigan and the pullover are my first ever "real" pieces of clothing. I'm mighty proud of them, and now that the sweater bug has bitten me, I've already started another cardigan.

These two are part of my effort to reduce the amount of yarn I've stashed away. I felt bad everytime I looked at it! I'm pretty meh about the hat, but the handwarmers I've worn every day since.

I started with birthday/holiday knitting in August to be finished on time for once in my life, and I've been making good progress! The two hats are for my goddaughter, the shawl for my best friend and the socks for my mother. (Plus there's the grey hat for my uncle which I've posted about in a previous entry.)

i'd rather be knitting

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