Oct 26, 2005 14:31
I have officially decided that i absolutely HATE being cold. I would rather be dripping sweat than cold. Ne who, I just got back from lunch with my Big and Jackie. that was the 1st time in almost 3 months that jackie and i did something togther, aside from running to the bank. I walked into her room today, and i saw all these new pictures of her and her friends... not one of those friends is me. You have no possible idea how sad that is. Like i odviously want her to have friends... i didnt know that meant giveing up me. The 2 of us have completely oposite sechudals, so its hard to plan things to do. Every time I ask her to do something, she is allready busey, and every time she asks me, its the same way. I think we take for granted the fact that we live togther. I thought this would make our friendship grow, not stick it with a knife. I cant even walk into her room without getting upset. How pathetic am I!!?!? I see all her new pictures, and new memories that I am no longer a part of. it sux. The only good thing I have on my mind is that date function is tomorro. I am happy adam will finally get to come with me to a sorority related event. Maybe then he will realize why I love it so much.