Jul 01, 2008 10:36

Well, I'm at work and you know what that means - I do everything in my power to think of anything but work! :D (Hah, suck it, Agnes.)

Anyway, I was pondering various things that do not involve work but which do involve fandom and awesomeness, and I got to thinking about my latest back-to-the-future venture (haha, get it - RvB is set in the future, but it's from my past XD Ahahaha! I'm killing myself here). And I realized hey, there is no capslock community for Red vs Blue! Seeing as capslock is pretty much the Most Fantastically Supremely Awesome way to celebrate an obsession, I'm pretty sure the lack of a capslock comm for RvB constitutes some sort of blasphemy. Or at least a minor felony.

I happen to know that a few of you losers who read my oh-so-humble (*snort*) journal are quite the fans of RvB, so I thought I'd see what ya'll thought of a capslock comm. I'll probably start one anyway no matter what you say, but I've always thought it's good to give people at least the impression that they have any say in a matter! ;D

May x-post this later.

The insanity is coming. Prepare yourselves.
[POLL PENDING - for reasons that involve lj-doucheness and all around FAIL]

[EDIT] I have no idea why lj is being such a DOUCHE about the effin' poll. IT SHOWS UP IN MY PREVIEW, WHY WILL YOU NOT WORK?? *flails*

lulz, capslock, raep, rvb

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