The big things

Oct 13, 2006 15:07

It's been so long since I've written anything here I can't figure out where to start! But I don't have a lot of time, so here goes, in no particular order.......

  • For the last two months my life has been taken over by potty training. Ok, well I guess it's not that bad, but it is now a daily obsession so it feels like it's taken over. What do Eric and I talk about in the rare moments we have together? Potty training ideas. What do I give my parents updates on whenever I see them? Potty training progress. Quinn is making progress for sure, but hasn't gotten over the big hurdle of actually knowing when he has to go and telling me about it. So while we're nearly accident-free at this point, it's only because I tell him when it's potty time. But at least I'm learning lots of ways to coax/cajole/bribe him into doing things....

  • The best thing that has happened this month was a visit from sabriel_0405. I haven't seen her since just before she moved to Utah this summer. It was awesome to see her. I was afraid I was going to burst into tears but I managed to keep my pregnancy-crazed emotions in check. I even managed to return a few books that I borrowed a while ago!

  • The worst thing that happened this month was this same visit because I have come to realize that I am a complete idiot. Ok, well, I guess that's not the worst thing - it would be worse to not realize it and/or not fix it. But it makes me feel like the worst thing. Anyway, I have been really really really bad about being in touch with all of my friends these last several months (not just her, but with her it's really terrible because I've lost touch during a time of upheaval). I'm really not sure why. I don't want to blame the pregnancy, although the time-frame matches. I've just sort of turned all of my attention inward. the timing also corresponds to my not carrying my palm pilot on my hip - maybe I need my electronic brain more than I thought. Anyway, now that I've come to this realization, I now need to do something about it. Hopefully I'll have more on that soon.

  • The other big news on the Quinn-front is that he has now switched to sleeping in a twin bed instead of a crib. So far the transition has been remarkable easy, and we are sort of in shock about it. Nap time is a little harder than bed time, but that seems to be more because he's really trying to not nap every day now. His first night out of the crib was Saturday, and this morning was the first morning that he got out of bed before either Eric or I entered the room. And it's no wonder, really, since it was 8:20 AM and I was still sleeping (or rather, back to sleep, since I'm nearly always up in the middle of the night)! I think he must have been waiting to hear something from us because as soon as Eric got up and went to the bathroom, Quinn came charging down to our room.

  • Pregnancy is going fine. I'm apparently out in front far enough now to screw up my posture so I'm trying to pay attention to that now, too. Picking Quinn up is getting uncomfortable at times, so I'll have to figure out some new ways to hold him. Now that I'm actually paying attention I can see just how big he's grown. He's going to look enormous next to the new baby. Sometimes I can't wait and sometimes I feel just as scared as the last time I was pregnant. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

me, baby, quinn, friends

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