An extra little blurb. I saw a picture of a pie with the letters CCCP on it and wondered what I would have it stand for. I first came up with 'Cooper Creates Chaos P' which eventually evolved to 'Cause Cristoff Creates Panic' and came up with a story. *grins*
After my friends had a traumatizing sleepover where they hadn't invited me, the next time we had a get-together planned I made them a pie to show no hard feelings. On the top of it, I put four letters, 'CCCP.'
The five of us plus our ghostie friends got together and I brought out the pie. "This is for tonight's desert!" I told them.
"Mmm, what kind is it?" Diana asked.
"Chocolate," I replied. "The tasty kind."
"Yum!" Morgaine exclaimed.
"What do the letters stand for?" Alexis inquired.
I grinned. "The letters stand for the reason you should've had me at the last sleepover."
They groaned, not wanting to hear it. "Who told her?"
I rolled my eyes. "Who said someone told me? I have magic powers," I said, protecting Alexis's identity.
"Anyways, CCCP stands for ''Cause Cristoff Creates Panic,'" I continued.
"Okay, seriously, who told her?"
I grinned. "Aw, come on. I'm not angry. I made a pie!"
"This is just a way for you to say 'I Told You So.'"
"I told you nothing."
"You impy everything."
I snickered. "Do I? Do I really?"
"Like right now, you're implying I meant something dirty."
"Good for you! Now cut the cake! Or pie, as it were."