A brief bit of writing news

Nov 18, 2010 01:10

As of today my novel stands at a total of 62,807 words. That is, I believe, up 15,000 from when we moved to Washington. Much of that 15K has been written in the last few months.

This means that I'm within about 27,000 words of my goal. 90K is a decent (maybe even slightly high) word count for a first novel. Whether I can finish the story in 27,000 words is still in question. BUT - 27,000 words in a month is actually a very doable total for me. It probably means some sleepless nights come December 12-15th, but it's for a good cause, right?

I've also resolved not to shave until I've finished the damned thing. December 15th is my target date. I'm already VERY shaggy and the straps of my CPAP do mad things to the beard of a morning. I'm seriously looking forward to finally FINISHING the book AND shearing my face.

Fingers crossed! When it's done you can be sure I'll be crowing from the rooftops.
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