Also - I've been writing a bit

Nov 03, 2010 11:52

I've been a little leery of mentioning this as I hate making promises I subsequently break (and I've made these promises many times before, to then disappoint myself by not following through). The lesson there should not be that making promises is the reason I then break them, but that's the way my brain interprets it anyway. I'm superstitious like that.

That said, I HAVE been writing lately. Quite a lot, in fact.

Over the last few months I've added 10-15K to the word count on my book. I've sorted out (or bulled through) some material that's been dogging me for years. I'm moving forward. I've also joined some writing friends of mine in committing to finishing the damned thing by December 15th. I think I can do it, especially with the incidental support of friends who are doing the same thing. It's good for me to have someone else putting up word count that I then feel compelled to match.

I'm not going to be posting the work here - that just adds another chore (and another excuse for not writing) to the job, and I'm working on reforming my writing process to leave as little complexity as possible. But stay tuned! Once it's done, I'll be more than happy to share it with anyone willing to give me feedback!
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