Title: Crash and Burn
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fanfiction
Pairings: Roxas/Adyn Raynie/Rena
arukidasuWarnings: Shounen-ai and shoujo-ai? (I guess. >o>)
Disclaimer: Roxas/Heartless/KH in general (c) Squeenix/Disney. Raynie (c) Raynie. Rena/Pieces of Heart/Cucio Bay (I think) (c) Rena. Adyn/Plot/Story/Random town/Random Nobody (c) Moi. :O
Summary: Gone without a trace; like a breeze just passing by~
The deafening sound echoed throughout the blank and open space of the desolate city. The trio turned their heads, watching the smoke rise from the wreckage. Their first instinct was Adyn; probably causing mayhem to the people in the no-named town. They each exchanged glances, nodding. Roxas took off first, followed by Raynie. Rena blinked and charged, running alongside the other two. Roxas couldn't deny he was worried, neither could Raynie or Rena, yet he knew there was nothing wrong with Adyn.
"Now where?!" Raynie demanded, her fists ready and primed for a fight. Roxas looked around, while Rena shrugged. He ran to the left, Raynie and Rena sighing; following his lead. He had the Keyblade out incase, and he was happy he did have it out. Amazingly, Adyn wasn't the one who caused the loud noise. Instead; it was a towering Nobody, bigger than anything they've ever seen. Adyn was nowhere to be found, so the trio didn't worry about anything. "Oh. Well...I guess that solves where..."
The Nobody smiled, it's long arms squirming. It reached out for Roxas first, yet he blocked it was a blow to it's arm. Raynie and Rena saw that this was serious business, so they jumped into the fight, bashing at it. They heard a cackle, which didn't belong to the Nobody. Even the Nobody turned it's head, not knowing itself who or what laughed. Rena spotted the source first, pointing to the enormous Nobody's shoulder. There pearched Adyn, sitting on the Nobody like it was safe. The Nobody smiled again, one of it's arms coming up from behind. He grabbed a hold of Adyn, pulling him into view. The young Heartless smiled at the Nobody.
"Now's our chance! Quick, get to where he's most vulnerable!" Roxas ordered, already starting to climb up the Nobody. Rena and Raynie nodded, getting on the other sides. The Nobody took another arm, wrapping his fingers around Adyn. The Heartless didn't mind that he was being crushed by the creature's hands; he just wanted the thing to die. The Nobody lowered Adyn, yet quickly chucked him up high in the air, almost disappearing. The trio all unleashed their most powerful attacks, sending the Nobody backward. Rena and Roxas attacked him, piercing the Nobody with their Keyblades. In a flash, it's body disappeared into the air. "YEAH! WE DID IT!"
"RIGHT ON~" Raynie cheered, going into a victory dance. Rena laughed at her, smiling at their victory. She looked up at the sky while Roxas and Raynie gloated about their winning. She thought she saw someone falling from the sky, falling fast. She shook her head and joined in the chat. "We all did great, how about that!? Wait...wait jus' a second...didn't...goth kid help us?"
The sound made the trio jump as they looked to the source, hoping it wasn't another Nobody. They only saw a hole in the ground, gravel flying into the air. Rena stepped forward slowly, peering into the whole. She gasped and ran back over to them, hiding behind Raynie. "What is it, kid? What's the matter?"
"Adyn-kun...he...looks dead!" Rena exclaimed, holding onto Raynie's outfit. Roxas ran over to the whole, looking down at Adyn. He held his breath, but released it once Adyn's eyebrows furrowed. His tail wagged slowly as he tried moving. Roxas stepped in the not-so-deep whole, helping him to his feet. The Heartless gave a sigh, going unconscious in his arms. Roxas crawled out of the dent in the ground, holding onto the boy. "He's dead!"
"No, he's not dead. Just unconscious." Roxas replied softly, looking at him. Raynie sighed and rolled her eyes, thankful that he was at least alive. Hell, the kid could have died since he sacrificed his time and possibly his life to stall the Nobody. Yet he just slept there, peacefully; as if he wasn't a monster. He slept like a human being. Raynie almost bursted out laughing, for he could be just as deadly as a demon when he was awake...but asleep; he was an angel. Roxas cracked his neck, since he was carrying a person of over one hundred pounds. Roxas resisted the urge to move his black spikey bangs out of the way, since it was constantly annoying him. "Well, should we go?"
"Yeah, but...where?!"
"Shhhhhh! You'll wake 'im up!"
"Um...how about over there?" Rena suggested, pointing to a park in the distance. Roxas sighed and mouthed a 'thank you' to the sky, walking over quickly. Adyn stirred a bit, yet he didn't wake up. Roxas knelt to the ground, resting Adyn against a tree. He sat across from him, Rena sitting next to Raynie who was sitting next to Roxas. They had their backs turn to him, looking at the residential place of the unknown town. "It looks...happy here...."
"Yea, it does." Raynie agreed, resting her head in her palms. Roxas looked back towards Adyn, quickly looking back to the neighborhood. He nodded in agreement, wondering where all the people were. There was a shifting noise, then a thud. Roxas turned around, but only saw Adyn lying in the grass. He laughed and relaxed, hugging his knees. Rena smiled, leaning her head on Raynie's shoulder. Raynie leaned her head on Rena, smiling. "So now what do we do..."
"Wait until he wakes up. Then we can go?"
"But why don't we...jus' leave 'im?"
"We couldn't do that...it's not right..."
"But, he's a monster."
"So? You wouldn't wanna be left, would you?"
"No, but..."
"There's no buts about it. We gotta stay. We stick together." Roxas whispered, laying on his back. Raynie sighed and wrapped an arm around Rena, who was starting to drift to sleep. Raynie didn't really feel like sleeping in a park; yet there was nowhere else TO sleep. Roxas closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep himself. Raynie looked around and shrugged, falling asleep as well.
Hours later; Adyn finally shifted awake; his eyes fluttering open. He looked at the trio that were sound asleep. He smiled as he got to his feet, almost losing his balance. He walked over them, his red tail touching Roxas's face. He stirred, wiping whatever hit him off. Adyn kept walking, as if in a complete daze. A loud crack echoed through the town, houses collapsing into an unknown chasm. Roxas jolted up right, Raynie and Rena stirring awake. The town was completely gone, all the homes and streets at least. All that existed was....water...?
"What the..."
"I'm home?!" Rena asked, looking around. Raynie looked at the girl; who's eyes were completely shining. Yup! This sure is Cucio Bay! She got up and twirled in the sand. Roxas rubbed his head, pinching himself. It wasn't a dream; they really were on the island of Cucio Bay. But how did that get here? It was a mystery to all of them; yet the scenery was welcoming.
Except the water...it wasn't welcoming at all. Raynie followed Rena, playing a game of tag with her. Roxas was the only one who noticed Adyn at the end of the sand. The water reached his feet, his eyes blankly staring out to the ocean. Roxas walked over and stood next to him, wondering what Adyn was looking at. Adyn slowly turned his head to face Roxas, who looked back at him.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier..." he whispered, his voice extremly thin. Roxas smiled and leaned on his shoulder, grabbing the Heartless's hand. He was alarmed when he wasn't leaning on a shoulder anymore, and when he wasn't holding a hand. He looked up to see Adyn walking into the water, his face expressionless. Roxas ran into the water after him, hugging him from behind.
"Don't leave me like that." Roxas said softly, his gaze locked onto the water. He looked up to see the back of Adyn's hair, yet to his shock, he wasn't holding him any longer. He looked around to only see Raynie and Rena playing on the beach still. He looked for any trace of Adyn...yet he couldn't find any source of him.
As if he disappeared like magic.