We already knew that Ciel Nendoroid was in the works, but this update sort of PO'd me. Says here that they had designed these arms of Sebastian that would hold a silver tea set, but they come with Ciel Nendoid and not Sebastian. Their excuse is (and it's a lame one) that "if we included these arms and tea set in Sebastian Nendoroid, then people can make him serve any master, but we wanted him to serve Ciel and Ciel only." Brilliant marketing ploy, people. I might have been OK with it had I been a tween, but I'm not. So there. One grouchy customer. I was going to get me a Sebastian and get Ciel for my daughter anyway, but this kind of stuff turns me off, to tell you the truth.
I read the Chapter 32 raw scan and I'm just now realizing that I'm way past the honeymoon stage of addiction with Sebastian any more. Kind of sad. Because it was a lot of fun to fangirl over a character and pump out lots of fanart of him.
I don't know if it's the manga interval of one month being too long for me, or the fact that manga is black and white (B&W movies tend to have a hard time holding my attention...), or the fact that it's lacking the voice and sound (I'm still waiting for the OST to come out...), or that I'm losing interest in the series. Chapter 32 was actually disappointing for me. And not just because it barely had any frames with Sebastian in (which is true... XD), but I feel that the pace of storytelling is slowing down and it's not holding the tension necessarily either. I understand that it's coming to the dark part of the story, and true, it doesn't involve Sebastian, but still, I can't shake off this oddly unsatisfied feeling after reading it. Seriously, after watching the anime (I'm sure most of the manga fan did. Even the ones that actively bashed the anime series the whole time. Curiosity would win over the hostility and make them watch at least. Because if they didn't, they can't bash it. XD) , the end of Chpter 32 is not suspenseful at all. I just loved the caption, "What is happening to Finnian?" Oh, duh... Is that supposed to be a cliff hanger? And the way the sicko Kelvin was "indirectly" involved with the ritual sacrifice of Ciel 3 years ago, although he desparately wanted to be directly involved (LOL) just made me think that this whole arc about him was a filler... Come to think of it, I had most fun with the Jack the Ripper arc and it hasn't been all that exciting since for me
I may have to come to terms with the possibility that I'm too old for any of this. XD Or, I'm just PMS-ing and temporarily cranky. LOL