Inputting in Japanese ... woohoo!

Oct 17, 2008 13:54


こんなでいたら、それこそ何か物でも書かないと、IMEの使い方忘れるどころか、漢字ほとんど忘れちゃいます。 肉筆の手紙が小学生っぽくなっちゃいます。 (あ、それは、ず~っと前からですね。 笑)

一応 マイスペースだの、フェイスブックだのとプロフィールはあるんですが、どうも日本語で入力不可能なんですよね、特にブログには。 つまんな~い。

子供が学校に行ってる間に仕事ナマケて彼女のストーリー読みふけてしまって、思わず迎えに行くのに遅れそうになったことがありました。 ハイ・・・。 (反省しております。)


で、うれしいことに、彼女はその翌日お返事メールをくれたのでした。 (感激。って、またか・・・。)


というわけで、ここでこんなもん書いてる、ノドカナ秋の午後。 (いーかげん、ちゃんと仕事しろよ~、コラ!)

~English version~

Oh, yay, I can input in Japanese!
I'm so happy....  I'm so cute to be able to feel joy over such little things. (Things I shouldn't say about myself anyway...)

Well, when you live in a vast, yet 'remote' area, such as Grand Junction, Colorado, there aren't many opportunities for me to speak Japanese.
If I let the situation take the better of me, I'd not only forget to use IME, but most of the kanji characters from non-use.  The letters I actually write start to look like written by an elementary school student. (But that is how my letters have always looked...haha.)

I do have accounts at MySpace and facebook, but I can't input in Japanese in most of the fields, especially the blog.  Denied...

So, here I am, just finished setting up an account here at livejournal.
Actually,  I'm soley here to join Laura Bryannan's champloo doujin community hosted here.
I'm totally impressed by her Samurai Champloo fan fiction pieces (short stories).
Of course, it's yaoi erotica.
Every piece is so riveting that once you start reading, you can't ever stop.
Once while my child was at school, I was slacking off work and reading one of her stories, and I was almost late picking her up after school.  Yeah.... (That was bad.)
Isn't that amazing though?  It's the power of words.

Thus, as impressed as I was with her writing, I was driven to send her a fan mail.
I was surprised myself.  I've never written one in the past.

Much to my delight, she sent me a response the very next day.   (Ecstatic...once again.)
And she invited me to join her champloo doujin community here.

Well, I did tell her that her pieces brilliant,  the quality so high, and I totally praised her brilliance.  Death by compliment.  I'm sure she didnt' mind a bit.

So here I am, typing away such mindless bit on a beautiful quiet fall afternoon.  (Hey, why don't you get back to work already?!)

japanese, writing

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