Kuroshitsuji ep. 21 (spoiler alert)

Mar 06, 2009 13:29

Hmmm, a decidedly less dramatic episode after the excitement of ep. 20. It's all about the true identities of the "ever not so helpful" helpers at the Phantomhive estate. As it turns out, Bardo, Meirin, and Finnie were all recruited by Sebastian from their previous line of work with a promise of "meal and board, with twice a year bonuses on top of regular pay, no experience necessary, all training provided" job... XD. Anyhow, they're the 3-member special defense force of the Phantomhive estate. (Wasn't Sebastian enough for that? Oh, yeah, he has to be the one to cook all the meals and provide proper entertainment when called for. Sure... sure...) Oddly enough, this episode still didn't say anything about the tea-sipping Tanaka-san. LOL What is he good for, aside from being the "official" face of the Funtom Co. ??? XDD

I get the feeling that this is the last comical episode before the series gears itself up for the end. Ciel was all quiet and deep in thought over the death of Detective Aberline. (I do like him for not being angsty. He's always so stoic! I can see why Sebastian would rather have his soul than devour just any easy prey. When you've lived since time immemorial, I can just imagine the profound boredom that is sure to set in no matter what you do or who you are...) Also thinking about what Lau had to say about the Queen's plan to drag the whole Europe into turmoil by starting a war on France with morphine... Will he continue to be the watchdog to the Queen, or will be do the right thing? XD Heh, I'm not all that interested in what he ends up doing. I'm mostly interested in how the showdown between Sebas-chan and Angela will go down. Anybody else involved are but the pawns in the game. I just want to see Sebastian move in to check.

Meirin without the dorky glasses. Being recruited by Sebastian (The irony here is that she is an assassin, trying to gun down a man with a family, while the devil Sebastian is offering her a job that is totally innocuous.)

Meirin in her maid outfit, taking down the mob sent by the druglord of East block to kill Ciel. Apparently she is far-sighted to the Nth degree.

kuroshitsuji, ep 21

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