Aug 29, 2008 13:33
I need some distraction at work - so I started investigating this a bit. Since there's been no cap on bandwidth for so long, I dont think anyone but network admins even bother to look at this stuff.
The bandwidth usage of some games that I could find info on:
FPS are considered the biggest hogs - and it's directly related to your frames per second. Two reports I've found:
TF2 - 50 Mb/Hr (8GB per month if played 5 hours a day )
UT2K4 - 70 MB/Hr
Second life - depends greatly where you go, what you are doing and how much streaming media you are taking in as well. Sims can hit 25MB in one shot. Usage for a 'heavy user' can go from 60MB/Hr to 180 MB/Hr
Xbox live HD 30 minute show = 1.2GB
Xbox live HD movie (show*4) = 5.4 GB (I found something that mentioned a 4GB file size limit for xbox live?)
So the only people that really need to worry are:
* Downloading 30+ movies per month
* Running an intense server on their connection - I found one report of someone who was just under 1000GB/month by hosting a game server (???) with an average of 100 users on it at any time of the day.