Some pet pictures

Apr 25, 2008 14:39

This one is one that my aide took, as it cracked her up. The cat, Alice, is asleep on the dog's bed (yes, it is on the couch) and the dog, Spencer, is lying on the back of the couch like a cat! You'll note that we have a sheet and old throw on the couch so we can rip it all off when people visit. Otherwise, they OWN this couch.

Alice on my sewing chair. I have to fight both cats for it whenever I want to sit!

This is Phoebe, who was spending some quality time watching the fish on Bear's screensaver. Sometimes she reaches out a paw to try to catch one, and even puts her paw behind the screen, thinking she can find them there!

In the first one, she was looking at the screen and turned to me just as I snapped it. In the second one, she is watching the fish. Don't pay any attention to Bear's messy desk... or for my sewing area in the previous picture, for that matter!

And now, back to the fish...


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