Painting #2

Jan 03, 2010 21:33

I decided I am going to try to paint as frequently as possible. This is all very new to me and I'm on steep learning curve. I didn't use the pencils this time, but used the watercolors in tubes that I also got from Bear for Christmas (thank you to all those who donated via frodo_esque's journal! This made my gifts possible!). I put a dab of each color on a plate and then discovered that it takes VERY little color so now I have the leftovers on the plate, covered with plastic wrap!

Anyway, I didn't know what to draw/paint, but wanted to do something that reflected my feelings inside. I was flipping through my photos on my camera of the area, on a tiny screen, mind you, and one caught my eye. Yes. That's what I wanted to use as my inspiration today.

This was taken near the top of East River Mountain in WV, not far from our home. It is a very tall mountain, and the road is very curvy.

What I wanted to express was this: I am on a narrow, dangerous road and I don't know what lies around the curve. There is no guardrail, so I have to travel carefully..

I took a few photos of the process (remember, I am clueless about all of this, and this is only my second ever painting and first to use watercolors). In other words, be kind! (I know you would be) This is far harder to do than it looks. I don't know why I have chosen watercolor for my medium, but well, I did :)

Now adding some trees:

Now adding the brush and such growing along the road:

Finished painting!

I think I like the one where it was plain and simple, without the brush and leaves. Oh well! Bear thought it didn't look finished, so that's okay then. :)

artist, 365, watercolor

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