Monday, Emmie got to spend the night for the first time in many weeks, for at least 7. We couldn't have her for the weeks that Ellen, my aide, wasn't here to work as it didn't work out for Bear in the mornings to drive her all the way to the group home and then to his school PLUS take care of me. I was really exhausted and sore on Monday due to going on on Saturday (it is always delayed pain for me -- not the next day after an event, but two days later). I spent it very leisurely. I did write to my friend Sally and sent her pictures (she is not online), and also wrote a letter and card to Kathambi, my Kenyan daughter who I sponsor through Compassion International. Sent her photos as well.
This is Emmie, saying "nighty night" to us before going to her bed in the Quilting Room.
Tuesday, we had to go to the endocrinologist's appointment. Bear and I both saw her. I was thrilled that my A1c test was 6.8, as it had been a bit higher three months ago. My cholesterol is low, and all my blood work looks great. I am angry that the meds have caused me to gain almost 10 more pounds. GRRRR
Before bed, I took a photo of me in the bathroom, wearing my LifeAlert pendant. It is waterproof and I'm supposed to wear it in the shower. Not the best picture, I'll grant you that. Makes me look even larger than I am. But I've lost all pride so here it is!
Today, I didn't fall asleep (narcolepsy) and I was quite surprise as Bear and I had a very late night last night due to him having problems with restless leg syndrome (RLS), very painful knee joints (psoriatic arthritis) and not being able to fall asleep. Honestly, we are falling to pieces!
Here's today's picture, which is Phoebe, who sat by me on the printer while I got caught up on my LJ Friends list.
She is definitely a cat with attitude!
Today, Bear spent a couple of hours or so tutoring Aaron, my son, in college Algebra over Skype! All free, since Skype is online. It is great -- they could see each other, and see the problems written on a page. I'm so glad that Bear can do this for Aaron, as he is really struggling. Aaron got his GED and is now 30 years old and going to college for the first time. I'm proud of him as I know the struggles he has to deal with.
That's it for today!