About challenge 006.

Jun 12, 2006 02:07

Because I won't be able to post a new challenge on the 14th, I'm going to extend the current challenge for at least a week (July 21st). Those who haven't posted your entries yet, you can therefore take your time ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

bingbulette June 11 2006, 18:35:22 UTC
I'm so glad you're extending! It's much needed! +lol+


lucia_tanaka June 11 2006, 18:56:27 UTC
Um, I lurk in this comm a lot and have an idea for a prompt. >.>

So, we're used to all our main characters, but often, we find brilliant background characters loitering around. They don't get enough love, so why not examine them in fic/art?

There's lots of folk to pick from too: Lorne, Radek, Cadman, Caldwell, Hermiod, Parrish, Biro, and if you wanna go back to S1, Grodin.

So, a ficlet with a pretty fanart of the oft-forgotten character, or something?

Just a thought.


sars June 12 2006, 00:20:24 UTC
OMG you are my favourite person right now. There was no way I was going to finish this today. Sending big smoochy kisses your way.


clairshadows June 12 2006, 04:43:50 UTC
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose by synecdochic has become a classic in Stargate Atlantis Fanfiction. Yet there has been no fanart made or none that I know of. The challenge I propose is fan art (cover pages, scenes etc) for the story and for the writing side small 'missing scenes' from the story which could be told from the perspective of background characters to incorporate the challenge above :)

I for one would really like to see a picture of the grave stone draped with the Atlantis flower of mourning in full bloom.


victoriaely June 12 2006, 08:31:16 UTC
sverusslave did a cover for it: http://severusslave.livejournal.com/116404.html

I think this is an interesting idea, but since we're all in the AU mood, maybe we could try some past/future fics and accompanying graphics first.

Or crossovers. I kinda like SG1 crossovers and the thought of having Jack around McKay is just... :)


clairshadows June 12 2006, 12:33:29 UTC
Thankyou for the link the cover fits well :) Past/future sounds fun, but my vote goes to the crossovers ;)


gaiaanarchy June 15 2006, 21:33:28 UTC
I don't know if this is what you mean, but I know that certain authors, myself perhaps included, might be induced to write sequels or companions to previously written fics (theirs or other people's) by the promises of art . . . Personally, I know that at least half of my fics are wanting sequels or missing scenes or companion fics, but I tend to get swept up by new ideas before I can complete them. Having someone to motivate me would certainly help.

Maybe something when after writer and artist pair, the artist gets to choose the work of that author's to make art for and then the author has to write a sequel? Or if the authors don't feel like opening their works up for sequels, authors and writers could pair up to make companion fic + art for someone else's fic?

Something like that . . . yeah.


POV challenge? starrylizard June 20 2006, 01:34:28 UTC
I'm not sure how well this would work, but it's just an idea that is flitting around in my brain.

What about a POV challenge?

Author: The author writes a story or scene from two different POV's. Could be from the Atlantian POV, then an alien POV. Sheppard's POV vs Weir's POV.

Artist: The artist would make posters, collages, icons... that reflects those two differing POVs. I can imagine how different moods, opinions, thoughts could be reflected in colour, style, imagery of the art.

I'm not sure if this is too complicated for a challenge and may require extra time to make two pieces, but it strikes me as an interesting idea.


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