About challenge 006.

Jun 12, 2006 02:07

Because I won't be able to post a new challenge on the 14th, I'm going to extend the current challenge for at least a week (July 21st). Those who haven't posted your entries yet, you can therefore take your time. :)

I also would like to specify that for challenge number 006B, you are allowed to use textures and stock pics. I got an email asking me if they are allowed, and they are. I probably should have mentioned this in the rules of the challenge, but I forgot so I'm making sure you know you can use them here and there in your comic. The only restriction is that you have to stick to the caps of the episode you chose.

Ideas for future challenges.
Now, I'd like to ask you if you have any ideas, suggestions for future challenges. You have an idea for a prompt, anything, now is the time to share... Keep in mind the prompt has to work both for art and fiction. :)


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