
Dec 20, 2012 00:22


"Sixth sense: This ability allows Shiki to detect beings that "do not belong in the world". Whenever he's near a supernatural entity, such as a vampire or demonic hybrid, his instincts will immediately alert him to its presence. The more powerful the entity, the stronger the reaction. The more inhuman it is, the more hostile Shiki's subconscious will be, to the point of demanding him to remove the threat immediately. He's mostly learned to tune it out the hate but he can still feel the pressure."

Or in Layman's terms, if your character isn't human, Shiki can tell they aren't and can also sense their power levels. Now this does not apply to artificial creations such as robots nor does it apply to normal humans who happen to possess high power levels.

This isn't all pervasive though. If you don't wish to have your character discovered like this, Shiki can easily just accidentally pass you over or your character is just good enough at hiding their power levels that he simply doesn't notice.

The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception allow Shiki to see the fated destruction of his target. This applies to living and non-living things, mortals and immortals. In essence, Shiki sees lines and points on everything in his sight. By tracing a line with his knife, the target then splits or falls apart cleanly where his knife traveled. This damage cannot be repaired by any means including regeneration or even spacial magic. By stabbing a point, Shiki kills the entire existence of his target. Moments afterward, the target will die. This ability completely ignores reincarnation, regeneration, inability to take damage, and immortality. Obviously, this does not ignore Mayfield type reincarnation. The reason why this is so powerful is because Shiki is destroying the existence of his target. Upon that destruction, the world senses a paradox where the target doesn't exist anymore but is still alive. To correct that paradox, the world simply allows the target to die then and there.

There are beings immune to this ability. Those who do not have a Gaian concept of death will naturally be immune to this. Lunarians are shown as having a Gaian concept of death most likely because the Moon and Earth have a close relationship. Beings that naturally subvert the MEODP would be ORT who is from Mercury and has no concept of death at all. Servants from Fate/Stay Night exist outside of normal concepts of death, making them also immune to this ability. These are the only Type Moon universe canon exceptions.

Or in Layman's terms once again, if your character does not die when they are killed (Immortality, regeneration, and reincarnation do not count), does not originate from Earth (ALIENS, not humans not from Earth), or is completely composed of magic or some other substance that cannot be destroyed, then Shiki cannot see said lines of death. However, if your character is an alien or magical being but they do die when they are killed, then Shiki can see the lines. It's a very fluid aspect and if you want to talk about it, I'm chill with spewing babble back and forth.


PART 1: Can Shiki detect whether your character is non-human or not?

PART 2: Would your character possess lines of death? This is more as reference as opposed to permission.

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