Jul 21, 2016 09:56

Hey hey!

We are ready for the third and final round of sign ups this year. For August only Easy (1 month) mode is left.

If you're already participating this year, this is where you change your mode or concept if you want.

Lets everyone pimp the sign ups and see if we get some new blood, yeah!


ArtSlam runs from June 1st to August 31st, providing a summer-long challenge that is simple on the surface: draw something every day. For this community, we prefer that you pick a concept and stick with it for at least one month. If you have a world that you want to explore with art, or a set of characters, this is a great place to do it! If you're shaky with perspective, background art, anatomy, or just really want to draw 30 pandas, you can hone your focus that-a-way, too.

What constitutes 'a drawing a day'? A sketch works -- preferably one where we can see what you're trying to communicate. Finishing an image takes more time, so noticeable progress on a single piece works, too.

If you're new to artslam or livejournal take some time to read the ArtSlam Rules and take a look at this post on how to do lj-cuts and tag your posts with your username. Remember to post to the artslam community to participate, you're of course free to cross post your stuff to wherever you want;)

Goal at ArtSlam signup: Insert difficulty rating here: Easy (1 Month).
Have you participated in past ArtSlams? Which ones?:
Links: Insert any pertaining links to other galleries: dA|FA|Personal Site|Sketchblog|Tumblr
Concept: Art? Both? Tell us about your project for your first challenge -- stay positive: you'll do awesomely. :D

(Just for fun and pre-slam discussion -- feel free to fill these out or delete them, or add topics of your own if you'd like to talk about something else.)
Who is your favourite artist or author? Links?:
When did you start drawing? What do you love about it the most?:
Any shout outs in particular for other ArtSlammers this year?:
What's one thing you'd like to improve in the most over this summer?:
If yes to the above, where are those projects now? Have any success stories that budded out of an ArtSlam challenge?:

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