Jan 20, 2016 07:58
- Crop your image.
- Create a new layer on top, filled with #FFB9E9. Set layer to soft light 100%.
- Create a new adjustment layer on top, Hue/Saturation and set Master to 0 +20 0 and Red to 0 -20 0.
- Create a new adjustment layer on top, Levels and set RGB to 0 - 1,0 - 230 and Red to 20 - 1,0 - 255.
- Create a new adjustment layer on top, Curves, RGB, input 79 and output 82.
- Create a new layer on top, filled with #F9DBC8. Set layer to normal 30%.
- Create a new layer on top, filled with #3F616F. Set layer to difference 30%.
- Copy your base, set to top, soft light 20%.
- Sharpen your base. Filter → sharpen → sharpen
- Done!