Philly Zine Fest, originally uploaded by
I'm back from a long weekend in Philly. I spent the first half of the weekend with Comrade I at the farm/community where he works outside of the city. I got to stay in a guest room detached from the main house. I also got to eat at the all-you-can-eat vegan buffet that I went to the last time I visited.
The zine fest itself was not the most awesome part of the weekend. As "popular" as my zine is, and as "famous" as I am for doing it, I sure don't sell many zines any more. I'm ready to be done with zine fairs over all.
The second half of the weekend I stayed with Comrade K at a long-standing punk house in town. It's been a collective punk house for about 20 years. I caught the house at a very auspicious time. They were in the process of fixing up the dining room, and I got to see the final paint job that transformed it into a wonderful space. Also, they serve dinner in their living room one night a week, and I got to be there for that. Being in the house was inspiring on both the home improvement and home restaurant fronts. I want to start doing a monthly dinner in my house now.
I read most of the Doris Lessing novel The Golden Notebook on this trip and am looking forward to writing a review when I'm done.
Next up in life:
1. Practice for cover band show
2. Finish business card jobs
3. Pick up writing novel again
4. Find local student with extra printer pages
5. Clean room, for real
6. Make holiday cards for card shop down the street
7. Make zine promo cards for LBC to stick in with orders
8. Revise copy for Ker-bloom! #86
9. Screenprint image for K! 86 cover