After the Long Absence

Sep 28, 2015 19:29

Heeey! (if anyone's still here)

Gosh, I've been absent from LJ for too long (2.5 years?!)

You probably know, I had a baby girl on 2013 :) She just turned 2 and her granny's staying I can get a little me-time again!
Also, I lost my Mom earlier this year, but I'm quite over it :')I did read a few fics here during that time, but mostly on AO3, and ( Read more... )

real life, fandom: supernatural

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terrayndian September 30 2015, 14:21:55 UTC
Haha, I just saw a sitcom where a couple had a baby and they were leaving the hospital. The wife said something along the lines of "I can't believe they are letting us take this baby home. We don't know what we're doing!" And how true that is. :) It's amazing how you need a license to drive and jobs require college degrees, but anyone can have a baby and be entirely responsible for that life without any training.

I was avoiding SPN for years because I have a certain triggers for really bad nightmares where I'm killed (I don't care what people say, you can die in your dreams because I have repeatedly) and the few two seasons of SPN had those triggers. Still, there was a great Black Friday deal on the blurays a couple years ago and I bought the first 4-5 seasons and basically eased my way into it by watching the series during the day and watching fun stuff before bed. Now that they aren't doing the heavy horror/urban legend stuff anymore, I'm safe. :)

Haha, I'm a bad, bad, bad person who loves the Dean/Sam pairing. I understand the Dean/Cas pairing, but the intensity between Dean and Sam gets to me every time. Have you read the fanfic "Fumbling in the Dark: Love Advice For the Romantically Impaired"? It is my guide as to why Dean and Sam make so much sense. *laugh*

So happy that you enjoyed the video!! Hilly and Hannah did such an amazing job. I absolutely love Hilly's Dean expressions. They make me so happy when I watch the video (and yes, the first time I easily watched it 3-4 times just to catch everything I missed the first couple of times). And how amazing it was that so many people of the SPN came to do that ending part! Basically, anyone who was there at a Vegas convention went, no questions asked beyond trusting Osric (Kevin in SPN, Sam in the video) and, if I remember right, Richard Speight Jr (Gabriel in SPN). Once again, I'm so impressed with this cast who obviously love the fans despite of our quirks. :D


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