After the Long Absence

Sep 28, 2015 19:29

Heeey! (if anyone's still here)

Gosh, I've been absent from LJ for too long (2.5 years?!)

You probably know, I had a baby girl on 2013 :) She just turned 2 and her granny's staying I can get a little me-time again!
Also, I lost my Mom earlier this year, but I'm quite over it :')

I did read a few fics here during that time, but mostly on AO3, and then I got sucked into some other fandoms.
Anyway, I'm catching up with several video games and TV series! I missed SPN since season 9, and right now I'm still on 9x12 :O So far I think 9x11 was the s9 episode I enjoyed the most :)

Which SPN episode is your favorite in season 9 and 10? ^^
Any Destiel fic recs?

real life, fandom: supernatural

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