It's kinda apocalyptic...

Oct 27, 2010 21:37

Things are chaotic here. Cities has been flooded for a while because of the continuous, persistent heavy rain.

And of course, on top of that, the Merapi volcano erupted. There were also the Padang tsunami and lots of earthquakes, many people were killed. Man what's happening to Indonesia?

Some stuff )


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Comments 6

tarlanx October 27 2010, 18:43:02 UTC
I'm glad you are okay!


artmetica October 29 2010, 03:22:50 UTC
Thanks :) me too ^^


dark_cygnet October 27 2010, 22:59:13 UTC
I'm glad you are okay and I hope things settle down there soon without more people and places being hurt or destroyed. I think the whole planet and ecosystem is going wacky, its a very unsettling thought. ::hugs::


artmetica October 29 2010, 03:24:47 UTC
Yes, it's scary when I think about it ><
Thank you for your concern :)


mashimero October 28 2010, 04:43:57 UTC
I'm glad to hear you're ok!


artmetica October 29 2010, 03:25:03 UTC
Thanks :)


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