I haven't done a real check-in since Week 2 it looks like. I'll just have to summarize and hope it makes sense. I haven't done more than 2-3 days a week of Morning Pages. Some weeks only one. One week none. The week of no reading was an utter failure.
I couldn't make it past Wendesday. Basically, I figured out that I'm pretty addicted to roleplaying, which shouldn't be a surprise. I'm not sure how much it is leaching my creativity in other ways though. I've been thinking about that a lot.
Most weeks I do a few of the exercises, often as part of my few morning pages. I've had maybe 3 artist's dates past when I bought the laptop. One of them was finally taking my laptop to a coffee shop and noodling around while drinking tea. It wasn't nearly as inspirational as I thought but it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. One was doing something to maybe fix my lovely malachite fountain pen. Not sure yet if that was a success. I really like writing with a fountain pen. My last date wasn't completely alone because I had to be with the person who was teaching me. I took a lesson on how to make a polymer clay cane from a friend of mine who does really nice clay jewelry that she sells on Etsy.
I've been especially interested in the affirmations, though it seems I am very hung up on money. Being without any for so long will do that. I have a hard time letting go and just trusting. Any ideas on what to do about that? Also, I'm slowly realizing that I need to more systematically look after myself to improve my health. If nothing else, my sleep schedule is horrible and my sleep poor. How can anyone be creative, much less think at all, as tired as I let myself get?