Jan 27, 2010 20:32
So I'm running a bit behind the rest of you.
I was originally going to try to catch up the first and second weeks in the 1 week, in the end I decided to actually just stick to the books plan and work week by week. so I'll be a little bit behind the rest of you but still going to post and read about what other peoples posts are along the way.
1.) I wrote everyday this week, though not all of them were in the morning, i found the first half of the weeks posts boring and repetative, but as the week on came to enjoy them more and more. More and more flowery and poetic language came out, which was fun. i like writing where you don't have to worry how trite and silly things sound, so enjoying them more and more.
2.) Did you do your artist date this week? Remember that artist dates are a necessary frivolity. What did you do? How did it feel?
As i was at the beach, so i did my artist dates on the beach, camera in hand, taking photos of irds, motion of wings, difference in birds, feathers shucked up. Also water, flow and motion, enjoyed it immensley haven't photographed anything in so long.
A couple of days later was greated by a Kookaburra and bell bird who was not happy on the railling outside the kitchen. Got some great photos of wings splayed and grumpyness fluffed up like puffballs. Got some really close up photo's of the kookaburra, they normally don't let you get so close up.
3.) Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.
Other stuff just a more comfortable feeling of playing with words, colours stand out more, things seem to pop out, creative thoughts seem to be flowing more freely. Finding myself happier.
I Found doing the affirmations feels a bit dorky and uncomfortable but also notice feeling less frustrated though. was surprised at how negative the blurts where while writing out the phrases. But writing the affirmations seem to make that negativity a little less loud.
Time Travel ~ found it odd how may of my worst nightmares where teacher related but found the task of writing the letter to the editor as extremely satisfying especially considering i could be really sarchastic and mean spirited.
All in all a good week
artists way