Nov 23, 2010 16:27
We, as humans, are always pining after things we cannot have. We always want that forbidden fruit. To do what we know is wrong...even to love those we shouldn't love.
Why is it that we pour our heart and souls into these off-limit desires, but once we have them...they become a part of our everyday routine and lose their luster?
For example, before turning 21 drinking alcohol is illegal, but those underage drinkers still take a swig- to feel cool and accepted, to embrace the adrenaline rush of knowingly doing something you are not supposed to be doing...then right around the corner, you turn 21....alcohol suddenly becomes accessible and its sparkly fantastical exterior gets replaced by expensive bottles and apathy...
We are constantly looking for the next best thing and if that's the case, how do we ever stay content with what we have? How do we appreciate and love everything that we are blessed with, just like it was brand new....How do we continue to feel butterflies after 20 years of marriage....
I think the thing I fear, is marrying the person that I am completely enamored with and slowly watching that flame I feel, diminish over time. Sure, "I will always love you" will be in my mind...but what about that passion? What about the 'newlywed' feeling of excitement and why cant it sustain?
I'm so afraid that these intense feelings I have for my love, will dwindle once our love isn't forbidden...Once we are allowed to love freely and openly...what's to stop us from growing tired of one get bored.......and daresay- to want something more... :(
Is it the little bursts of indescribable joy, followed by periods of loneliness and tears are what keeps us going? We long for the next chance to enjoy love?
Any thoughts? I sure would like to know...