Apr 08, 2006 13:28
Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?: no
Toilet Paper someone's house: no i have not
Played Poker with money: yeah, once...lost $5!
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: yeah, but not on purpose
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk: yes
like someone but never told them: yes
went camping: yeah, a few times here and there...I haven't gone in a long time though
had a crush on your broher's friend: I don't have a brother
walk in the rain without an umbrella: yes
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: I'm sure I have...I'm actually surprised when I do make people laugh
been in a talent show: No, I was too cool for that
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of: for sure
been to a nude beach:no
drank jack daniels: yes, worst mistake ever...I'll warn you guys now, don't ever drink Jack straight up, It's disgusting!!!!!
cursed in a church: I don't go to church unless I have a wedding to attend at
been called a slut for kissing someone:actually no...I have for other things though, but we wont go there
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner: yeah, and on the stove and with the clothing iron and on our old dryer once and taking food out of the microwave and the shower, but that wasn't my own stupidity...someone flushed the toilet!
wanted to be a police officer: no
dumped someone: It was a mutual agreement, but i like to think that I dumped them
been hit on by someone too old: oh god, yeah! Those damn truckers just cant seem to keep to themselves!
wanted to be a model: yeah, i have the hight, but i don't think I'm pretty enough
bought lottery tickets: one or two every once in a blue moon
made out in a car: yeah baby!
cried during a movie: yea
wanted something you couldn't have: yeah, all the time
had sex on the beach: no
had the drink sex on the beach: yup
seen someone shoplift: yes
hung up on someone: yeah, but not on purpose
yelled at your pet: probably
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: not that I can recall
tried to strip when drunk: no, but i like to show off my underwear a bit when i'm drunk
gotten seasick: no, i don't think i've ever been out to sea...
had a stalker: I don't think so...If I have they've been good about keeping it a secret, so i guess that wouldn't make them a stalker
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: ummm no
been embarassed by one of your family: yeah all the time...who hasn't been embarassed by one or more of their family memebers? And if you say "no" it's a LIE!!
felt bad about eating meat: nope
protested: no, but i've seen a few
been to an island: nope
been in love: yup
ate just because you were bored: guilty!
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww": oh yeah
Screamed in a library: I wouldn't say screamed...I'd say more like shouting
Made out with a stranger: guilty
Been Dumped: no
Wished a part of you was different: yup, i need to get rid of this flub in the mid-drift area of my body
asked a guy to dance: i think once or twice, only to a good friend. And the only reason was because I didn't want the person dancing with me ear me... cause we all know those type of guys they always just seem to come up to you and get up in your bubble space, and it's always someone that you don't find attractive at all and they're only looking for a peice of ass...it's SO ANNOYING people!!!!
been asked out by a hot guy: yup, and i'm still with him
laughed so hard ou cried: oh my god yeah! There's deffinately those few really good friends that I hang out with that can just get me going
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: well since I've been hanging out with Danny I've been a bit more daring and strike up convos with people and I'm trying to get to know his freinds better...so yeah
been sunburned: Every Summer without a doubt I'm guarenteed a sunburn
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: um no, thats mean
threw up in school: surprisingly no
recieved an anonymous love letter: nope
had to wear something you hated: yup
been to a luau: no
saw your ex and wanted to kick his ass: no
cursed in front of your parents: i'm sure i've let a few slip out in my time...I never use the curse towards my parents, but they've wound up in the room at the wrong part of a convo.
been in a commerical on tv: nope, i'm not that cool
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: no
been out of the country:yes...good ol' canada
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk: yeah
won at pool: of course! When I get going i kick major ass in pool, I LOVE that game
went to a party where you were the ony sober one: definately...but it's okay, I love watching all the drunkards...they're funny!
went on a diet: nope...i probably should though, i could use to lose a few ponds
been lost out to sea: nope
cheated on your bf/gf: no i would NEVER do that
been cheated on: no
tanned topless: um...more like tanned naked in a tanning booth, tanning lines are so unattractive
been attacked by seagulls: LOL! nope
been searched in an airport: yeah, i set off the metal detecor a couple times...come to find out it was my shoes setting them off!
been on a plane: yes
been pants-ed: no, people have tried, but i'm just too good at keeping my pants on when i want to keep them on
thown a shoe at someone: no...why would someone want to throw a shoe at another person?
broke someone's heart: i dont know
sung in the shower: yea, only like ALL the time!
bought something way too expensive: yeah a few times
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: YUP!!!
been walked in on when you were dressing: yea
ran out of a movie theater because you were too scared of the movie: hell no! there's no way that i'd ever walk out on a movie...it's too damn expensive to go and not watch the entire thing!
been kicked out of the mall: no
been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back: yes
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: no
Done something stupid when you were drunk: um...i was drunk, so yeah
fell off your roof: nope i don't go on the roof very often
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: yup
had a deer jump in front of your car: not my car...and i wasn't driving, but the deer (which had HUGE antlers) hit my side of the car...I COULD HAVE DIED!
threatened someone with a water gun: um... i dont know
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: no
sing: well, i did take voice class for 4 years...i'm not the best, but i have somewhat of a voice
open your eyes underwater: yea
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: i wish
ice skate: yeah, i used to talk classes and i was in a show and everything!
sing in front of a crowd: Only with other people, I wont do it on my own
whistle: a lil
be a bitch at times: what woman can't be a bitch at times?
do thirty pull ups: AHAHAHAHA yea right!!
walkin in really high heals:yeah, though i don't need the hight...i have enough
eat super spicy foods: NO
skateboard: no
sleep with the lights on: only if i end up falling asleep in the room that has the lights on
mulititask: to an extent
touch your nose with your tounge: no, not even close
fall asleep easily in the car: yeah
do the cotton eye joe: yeah, It may take a few seconds for me to get coordinated,but it's a simple dance anyone can do it!
play ddr and not fall: what is ddr?
surf: never tried, i'd like to though
fit in your locker: hahaha yeah right, i was taller and a bit wider than the lockers at school...it'd be physically impossible! Maybe if i was annorexic and not as tall
do a split: no, i naver was able to do that
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: yeah...that's so easy!