I did THEATRE!!!

May 18, 2011 08:42

Last weekend was the Ad Hoc Theatre show that I started plotting about this time last year. The cast included several AHT "oldtimers" with the notable additions of The Maestro who doubled as musical director, and The Ninja, who was also our MC. As has become expected for such shows, our audience consisted of about 20 people, all of whom were very enthusiastic, and seemed to enjoy the performance immensely. Most of our advertising was either word-of-mouth or via facebook, and I KNOW we could do better if we only knew how to promote ourselves better!

After the show, The Maestro suggested the possibility of taking us on the road. Apparently Choir hit the booming metropolis of Sangudo on Tour this year, and discovered that Sangudo has an Arts Council that actually actively promotes the arts! The community was delightfully welcoming, and Choir sang their Tour concert to a FULL HOUSE audience.

The way these shows work, we do admission by donation, and split the take 50/50 with the performance venue in lieu of paying a booking fee. Our take on the weekend was fairly respectable, considering the small size of the audience, so if we were actually able to fill a hall, we're pretty confident we'd be able to make some real money. Of course, I've left The Maestro in charge of making arrangements for this possible roadtrip, and as I believe I've mentioned before, The Maestro is a notoriously busy man, so we'll see if anything comes of it.


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