Things I am not going to miss about dorm life

Apr 27, 2009 15:08

1. Fire alarms
2. Being kicked out of the shower just because someone has to pee and doesn't want to use the public bathroom that is, literally, five feet down the hallway. EVERY. TIME. I. TAKE. A. SHOWER. EVERY TIME.
3. Annoying maintenance workers shouting outside my window
4. Vacuuming at 9am
5. Not being able to keep food in the kitchen because it keeps getting stolen
6. People cooking (read: burning) food every freaking day
7. Having to swipe a card AND unlock the room
8. Never having a place to park
9. The fire alarms
10. Annoying drunken people staggering in at 3am, shouting down the hallway
11. Did I mention fire alarms?!
12. Getting locked out of the dorm because of a fucking gas leak
13. The people. Some of which I want to stab in the FAYSE. I'm looking at YOU, Breathe-heavy
15. A certain suite-mate of mine taking FIVE FREAKING SHOWERS A DAY and ALWAYS when I'm just about to

life, college

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