[TM] 252 - Innuendo

Nov 17, 2008 11:01


“Yes, Angel?”

“How many years will I get if I hex this bastard at the Times?”

Artie blinked, looking up from his morning paper with a raised eyebrow. “Come again?”

With a huff, Gail moved away from the kitchen counter and slammed the front page down in front of Artie with such force that his morning cup of plasma sloshed, spattering the page in viscous red.

“That’s what I mean…this is why I stopped reading the paper when I was alive. I swear, the nerve of some people!!”

Peering at Gail over the rims of his glasses, Artie set aside his section of the Daily News and picked up Gail’s Times, scanning the headline in question while trying to prevent the spilled blood from staining his hands or his shirt. When they had been married the first time, they’d always favored different newspapers to read in the morning…at least until Gail had given up on the news altogether after their fifth anniversary.

“More Bang For Your Blood: Jackson and Patrician?” he read aloud, scanning the contents of the article before he dissolved into laughter. “Holy mother of…they think I’m sleeping with the Chief of Police’s wife?”

“And to get an arrest, no less…Arthur Tiberius Jackson, stop laughing this instant! It’s horrible!”

“Angel, it’s funny as hell!” he snickered, catching her hand and dragging her forcibly into his lap. Though she resisted, she didn’t get up once she was seated, much to his satisfaction.

“You’re insane. How can you let this innuendo stand?”

“Well, for one? That’s all it is: innuendo. They aren’t flat-out accusing me of an affair, they’re insinuating it with that cracks about our ‘sudden and deeply intimate’ relationship.’ That alone is bullshit, I’ve known the woman since she was four years old.”

Gail folded her arms, narrowing her eyes at Artie peevishly. “I hardly see what that has to do with anything.”

“I’m getting to that, Gail…secondly? I’m very pleased with this little headline, ‘cause it means the media’s fishing for some scandal…and has no idea about Las Vegas.”

That got a smile out of her after a moment, filling Artie with satisfaction. He knew she was thinking about their impromptu drive to Vegas just two weeks before as she looked down at the ring on her left hand…the one he’d bought for her on a whim that led them to the gorgeous little wedding chapel at the Luxor hotel…

“Well,” she huffed, reaching for Artie’s left hand to toy with the simple gold band that matched hers, “just for this nonsense, we’re waiting another month before we tip the papers off. And when we do, I fully expect you to sue these sons of bitches for slander!”

Grinning, he kissed her neck and knew her temper had cooled as she rested her cheek against his forehead. “You got it, Angel.”

“And I’m not letting them near the public ceremony.”

“Consider it done.”

“…Art? What time does your shift start?”

“Nine, but I can afford to be a little bit late.”

“How late?”

“Say…half an hour?”

Grinning, Gail turned her head and stole a deep, lingering kiss as she hooked her fingers in his tie and began tugging it loose.

“More than enough time, then.” She whispered against his lips.

Artie just smiled and didn’t say a word as he kissed her back, gathering her up into his arms as he stood.

He was one newlywed that had been married long enough to know when to just agree, when to say nothing…and when to just take his luck when he could get it.

Muse: Artie Jackson
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 597

who: gail jackson, what: life at home, tm: challenges, theatrical muse

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