[TM] 231 - Haruki Murakami Quote

Jun 06, 2008 13:22

"Everything passes. Nobody gets anything for keeps. And that's how we've got to live."

The thing I love about humans, and miss most about being human is the transitory nature of the universe. Time changes everything...humans are painfully aware of this but don’t much get to experience it because real change takes lifetimes that they don’t have. Sure, the world changes with passing seasons, with the birth and loss of too many souls, but creation itself takes ages to truly alter it’s shape...to change form and function.

I’m not eternal, simply immortal...I’m more than human, I don’t age. I can die, though...still, I’m closing in on ninety and I know that, barring unforseen circumstances, I’ll be sticking around a good long while. I’ve held my great-grandson, I’ve seen the world undergo a quiet revolution of ideology and form that made me proud to be what I am...man, vampire, and human resident of this crazy, mixed-up rock. I’ve seen changes in the world that have been passing, fleeting blips on the cosmic radar, and I’ve seen upheavals in everything from societal structure to basic biology that have left me more than a little bewildered.

I’m nearing a century of life with every passing day, and I’m only just starting to feel it...the world around me, flowing like rain through a pipe. Never the same, wearing down and changing shape like a rock being beaten by the waves of the ocean. I can feel the salty waters lapping at me, pulling away bits of my life piece by piece...fragments of existence that’ll leave me with something totally different than what I got now in about a hundred more years...hell, maybe two hundred.

But I also feel the weight of that rock, too. I feel how little it will move...I realize that to be light enough and free enough to let the tides sweep me away, I’m gonna have to sit for a lot more years and wait for a lot more pieces to drift out in the waves. I’m the boulder...time is the ocean...and those pieces are my family, my friends...my loves and my dreams.

It’s my humanity, my memory of mortality flaking off with every year that goes by, until all I am is a vampire. When that day comes, I will be eternal...I’ll forget that the stake could always come along, that the cross could always touch or the flame can catch at any moment.

I miss knowing the end is coming, and I miss not knowing how heavy that boulder on the beach must feel.

I miss being the runoff, and letting the currents of the ocean toss me wherever Destiny thinks I might belong.

Muse: Artie Jackson
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 444

tm: challenges, theatrical muse

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