Another day, another nickel, eh Squidward?

Apr 22, 2013 23:29

Well, life has been okay, lately. Mostly, I have been keeping busy at work, preparing for lectures and the such. I also have home works to grade. I have been trying to make the time for reading my Bible also. Sometimes the nostalgia can be over powering. It is funny to realize how many eras I have lived through. Elementary school (pre-parents divorce), middle school, high school, undergrad, graduate school, and now work. I know that in the end I always have to keep moving forward in life, but sometime the memories overwhelm me like a flood. And I am made to recall the times past and the many things they can entail such as my NES playing days, my cartoons and tv shows of the past (my mornings of just sitting back and watching a block of cartoons or some syndicated tv shows such as Gilligan's Island, Small Wonder, etc.), the friends of the past etc. it is funny when you realize how drastically your life changes as you grow older. The way you live now is not the way that you lived as an 11 year old, nor as a 7 year old. The distribution of time changes. I wonder if this can be linked to entropy some how?

Well, this looks like it will be another normal week. That is good on the one hand; it means no disaster or death or tragedy. However, it is also means that I will be doing the same things as last week which did not include watching a ton of TV or reading Star Wars novels, or playing NES or N64.

I just went to the doctors and it is funny how little the doctors office has changed since my youth. The only thing is the use of a computer to store the records instead of carbon paper.

nostalgia, life, reading, fun stuff

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