Decade of life

Mar 28, 2012 18:07

Wow. I cannot believe that I have lived a decade since I first started this journal. Unlike a friend of mine, I am obsessed with consistency when possible and never created new accounts. but have had this single account. I might as well make this entry private since no one I know will likely read this since most have moved to facebook (and even there I don't see them much) but for whatever person may stumble upon this as I have stumbled upon others' journals in the past, I leave this as visible. I feel, as I reminisce, I should mention my regret in deleting my detailed analysis of my time watching WWF during the early 2000s, as they were quite witty, if I may say so, and quite unique as most people never criticize the over sexualization of the genre since the mid to late 90s. I could never complain about the "violence" as that would be like complaining about bakers putting eggs, flour, and sugar into cakes.

I also miss any posts about undergrad experiences. I have my memories, but nothing beats the written word to stir them. I shall not delete my graduate days. Hopefully, for myself at least, I shall blog occasionally about this next chapter in my life.


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